Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Storm's POV:

Once Luke was down and out Ace took my face in his hands. He inspected around.

"Did he lay a hand on you?" He asked. I nodded silently and he sighed.

"How many times did he dislocate it?" He asked trying to sound calm.

"Three times." I said and he laughed sarcastically.

"Oh if only he was alive." He said shaking his head. I sighed and moved his hands from my face and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"So what have you been doing for the past eight months without me? Having fun with a slut?" I asked sitting up on my knees. He smiled rubbing my upper arms.

"Porn." He shrugged and I laughed straddling his waist.

"Oh my daddy missed me." I smirked and he stared at me in wonder before pushing me down on my back on the couch.

"I've missed my doll calling me daddy." He said and I laughed as he crushed his lips to mine forcefully. He dug his nails into my hips and I shifted my pelvic area and he groaned going to my neck and biting down on the skin.

I delved my hands into his hair as he pushed down my sweats and tossed them behind him.

"Can you be quiet enough?" He asked gesturing to the bedroom where Luke was.

"Of course I can." I said. He placed his hand behind my back and lifted me with ease. I giggled before pressing my lips against his throat. The groan of approval rumbled against my lips and I laughed as he laid me on the bed I have missed so badly. I watched as he undid his shirt revealing all of his tattoos. The one on the inside of his forearm catching my attention.

It was the one he got for me and I loved it so much. I pulled my shirt off over my head and he licked his lips.

"There's my beautiful doll." He grinned.

Anastasia's POV:

"Gentlemen meet my darling best friend, Crystal Gonzalez." I smiled. Crystal and I have ran many jobs together. She was my girl and knew what she was doing.

"More people?" Blake asked raising an eyebrow.

"One more person. She knows Vlaidis and she knows how to use a gun." I shrugged.

"Such lovely boys." She smiled.

"I just figured now that Storm is back- well not here I don't know where she is." I said.

"She is with Sylvia." Ace said.

"Good. But anyways now that she is back we need all the help we can get." I smiled. I looked at Brandon and Blake who nodded and Keith sat next to me with his mouth hung open. I quietly tapped his chin up and he gulped.

"Alright. I guess one more girl isn't bad." Ace said.

"Good because she does know what she is doing and she can stick up for herself." I assured.

"Ah thanks, buddy." She said touching her chest.

"No problem bud." I smiled and Blake laughed.

"Oh lord, what have you done?" He asked laughing.

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