Chapter 2

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Just in case you all forgot everyone's favourite Mafia family

^^ Brandon Masterson

Chapter 2

Present Day

Brandon's POV:

"Bringing a baby to the den already?" Keith asked. I picked up my niece and smiled at her.

"She just wanted to come see her favourite uncle." I said cuddling her into my shoulder.

"She has an appointment with her paediatrician." Sylvie explained. I handed her back as Sylvia buckled her into the stroller. Blake came in and pressed a kiss to her cheek and I shook my head.

"Alright well go to your appointment, please." I said and she sighed.

"Yes, father I am on my way." She scowled walking out the door.

"Where is Keith?" Blake asked looking around. The sound of a gun came and we looked to the door.

"What the fuck was that?" Ace asked standing up. Keith stepped in and behind him a woman with extremely long brown hair was visible. Her green eyes flickered around and Blake went to move but she had another gun aimed on him.

"Move and a bullet goes into the back of his head." She warned.

"Where is Ace?" She asked.

"Yes?" Ace asked stepping forward and folding his arms. She dropped the two guns and placed one in the back of her pants and the other on the inside of her jacket.

"I didn't kill anyone so relax." She snapped folding her arms over her chest.

"Can we help you?" Blake asked and she flashed her white straight teeth.

"You indeed can." She said.

"Well then speak up." Ace ordered and she tsk-ed touching the end table.

"I'm Anastasia Kucherov." Blake's hand flew to his side and she rolled her eyes.

"I didn't kill anyone and I don't intend on it alright?" She said and Blake shook his head.

"Vlaidis told us about you."

"Of course he did because he wants to kill me." She shrugged.

"You're the girl killing all the Mafia guys?" I asked.

"Yes but I can explain it." She said quickly.

"Alright..." Ace said confused.

"Well Mr. Rivers, William Vlaidis and numerous other Mafia groups are stealing from the lower class families." She said.

"And?" Blake asked.

"He is stealing from already struggling families. I know we are Mafia members but stealing from the poor who are struggling? That is wrong beyond all levels." She spat.

"Okay but we don't do that?" Keith said.

"I know which is why I am here. I need help."

"Everyone wants you dead why should we help you?" Ace asked.

"Because everyone is scared of you guys. Everyone fears the Rivers Mafia so you guys can make a difference." She explained.

"I say we help her." I said.

"Why?" Blake asked.

"I grew up in a poor household, Blake. I would hate to see that happen around here." I said.

"A person with a heart." She smiled and I sent her a wink.

"I got you hot stuff." I said.

"Oh stop thinking with your dick." Keith sighed.

"No, I agree with him. We will help her. It is the right thing to do. I don't want the lesser established families to struggle at the hands of that dick." Ace agreed.

"Well then. We will be seeing a lot of each other." She smiled.

"Definitely. I can show you around." I said standing up.

"Aren't you cute." She said.

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