Chapter 6

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^^ Blake

Chapter 6

Anastasia's POV:

After our little quarrel the other day, Brandon and I haven't spoke to each other let alone make any eye contact whatsoever. I felt like a huge asshole. Everyone always said I was cold hearted and had no emotion for anyone except for my father.

I had not been to the club in a few days as I was staying in a local motel. I made my way to the back and everyone was rushing around like chickens with their heads cut off.

"What's going on?" I asked Keith.

"Storm is missing and we have no idea what happened to her." He said panicked. I walked past Ace's office when multiple books were thrown across the room.

"Fuck!" Someone yelled. I walked in and Ace was running his hands through his hair and gripping the roots. On the TV was the news and the guy Brandon was talking about the other day was on.

"Richard Martin, has been gone for three days now." I whispered.

"This fucking asshole is gone and I know he took her!" Ace bellowed causing numerous people to step in. Brandon brushed past me and didn't even meet my eyes as he stared at the TV.

"What jail is he going to? I thought Stephen's brother got him locked up nice and tight?" Brandon asked.

"He was in maximum security." Someone said I looked to the door as a man walked in with his eyes glued to the tv.

"He said Richie was going to a maximum security prison. I have no clue how he is out." He said.

"Well however he got out, he fucking has Storm. I know he does!" Ace growled angrily.

"We will get her back son." Someone said. Man everyone is just walking in today. I turned and Andrew Rivers stepped in. The Andrew Rivers and Ace Rivers was his son. Incredible.

"How? There are no leads." He said doubtfully.

"That does not mean someone cannot be found. We have the top people looking for her and Stephen's brother is looking for her. Kate is in Canada having people watch the borders." He explained.

"I can get my dad to keep watch over seas if he would go there." I offered.

"Good thinking Ana." Andrew smiled and I nodded leaving to pull out my cell phone.

"This is going to raise my phone bill." I muttered pressing the phone to my ear.

"Anastasia? How are you, cupcake?" My father asked in his thick Russian accent.

"Hi daddy I need your help." I said.

"Of course, darling." He assured.

"I need you to keep a look out for Storm Rivers- I will send you her picture but she is Ace's wife so Andrew Rivers' daughter in-law. She is missing and they believe Richard Martin took her." I said.

"Richard Martin? I thought he was in prison."

"He escaped and Ace believes he took her."

"Alright I will get my boys to keep a lookout. Send me a picture of both Storm and Richard." He said.

"I will. Thank you daddy."

"No problem, sweetheart. I miss you." He said and I smiled.

"I miss you too, dad. A lot." I whispered.

"You are doing a wonderful thing, Anastasia. I love you."

"I love you too." I said quietly before hanging up. I went back in and Ace sent my father a picture of both Storm and Richard.

"Thank you, Anastasia." He said sincerely.

"You're welcome. I am happy to help." I assured. I caught Brandon's gaze briefly before he looked away angrily. I huffed sadly and walked out of the office and towards the bar.

Loving Brandon (Second book in Rivers series)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant