Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Anastasia's POV:

"Did Brandon finally get laid?" Keith asked and he nodded happily.

"Yes I did."

"So you lost your two year virginity, huh?" Blake teased and I rolled my eyes.

"I did. It was amazing." He sighed standing up and leaving. The boys laughed as I followed him.

"Good work Kucherov." Blake called. I laughed shaking my head as Brandon walked ahead of me, probably going to the bar.

"Hey guys." Storm smiled while holding a fussy Luke.

"Aww here is the little guy." Brandon smiled rubbing Luke's head.

"Have you seen Ace? He said he was coming to the appointment." Storm sighed patting Luke's back.

"He is in the back. Why what's wrong?" Brandon asked concerned.

"I think Lukey has an ear infection. He has been picking at it all day." She pouted kissing his head. I smiled rubbing his back and he stared at me as he sniffled. Even when he was sick all he did was whine and sniffle.

"I'm here." Ace said walking in.

"There is daddy." She whispered to Luke. Ace held him in his arms and he calmed down.

"Alright I will see you guys later." She smiled walking out with the two. I smiled at her in envy. She was close to twenty one and already had a perfect family.

"You alright?" Brandon asked me and I smiled nodding.

"Yea. I'm fine." I assured.

"You need a drink?"

"Masterson I am beginning to think you're an alcoholic. When are you not drinking?" I smiled.

"Alcohol? I only drink scotch and the occasional vodka." He shrugged.

"You're a scotch-oholic?" I giggled and he laughed.

"That's a new one. I guess." He smiled.

"So since you already took me to that really fancy restaurant you guys own, where do you want to go next week?" I asked.

"I already have it all planned, beautiful." He said leaning forward and tucking a few strands of my hair behind my ear. I smiled as his fingers grazed my cheek.

"Does it include bubble bath and rose petals?" I asked.

"At the end of the night maybe." He winked.

"Is it another one of those dates where you don't tell me?" I asked.

"Ana it's going to be your birthday date. It's going to rock your socks off." He said and I laughed.

"It's going to rock just my socks off?" I winked.

"Well depends if you are wearing panties that night or not. I know sometimes you don't." I grinned and stood up.

"What about right now? Am I wearing panties or not?" I asked.

"Spin around." He said. I slowly turned and he frowned.

"Hmm." He hummed.

"You get a two second feel." I said turned around. I felt his hands on my behind.


"You are definitely not." He said in shock and I turned around.

"All natural today. And wearing this dress requires none." I said smoothing down the sides of the black dress.

"So when I take this off later there is less work?" He asked and I laughed lightly pushing his shoulder.

"Twenty five, half way to fifty." I sighed.

"Hey I'm basically two years until thirty." He shrugged.

"Oh's going to be my mans' birthday soon." I smiled wrapping my arms around his torso.

"Unfortunately." He sighed.

"Ooo, dinner, Netflix and chill...another dinner." I grinned.

"A second dinner?" He asked.

"Mhmm, of your choice of course."

"I can pick anything?" He asked raising his eyebrow.

"Anything; pizza, salad, chicken, me, steak-"

"What was the fourth one?" He asked and I laughed.


"That was the third one." He countered.

"" I asked.

"I want that one as my second dinner."

"Alright. I'll have to make sure I'm not busy." I laughed.

"You're such an idiot." He grinned pressing a kiss to my lips. I laughed against him keeping my hands on the sides of his face.

"Making out in the bar?" I asked between kisses. He kissed my jaw roughly and turned my neck so he could do the other side.

"Mhmm." He groaned.

"Hey!" Jamie smiled slapping the bar. I pulled away looking the other way. I wrapped my arm around his shoulders and leaned against him.

"Go make out somewhere else. I got boys coming in here soon." Jamie laughed.

"Easy. It's just hugging now." Brandon assured wrapping his arm tightly around my waist letting his one hand fall to my backside.

"Keep it PG at the bar please." Jamie said. I pulled back to stare at his face and I giggled running my hand through the clean scruff on his face.

"I have a phone call to make I will talk to you later."

"Alright beautiful." He smiled. I pressed my lips to his quickly before Jamie would see and I walked towards the back.

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