Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Ace's POV:

"Holy fuck that's a little Ace Rivers." Brandon breathed. I stared down at the tiny kid who was snuggled in a blanket. He shuffled around and Keith hit Brandon's chest:

"Dumbass you're fucking waking him up." He said.

"You're waking him up with your fucking swearing."

"You're honestly the biggest dumbass." They bickered back and forth and I rolled my eyes.

"Boys, as much as I love your lovers quarrel here, please shut the fuck up and let me think." I ordered.

"Let you think? Think about what? Your son?" Storm snapped. I looked back as she stared at me trying to get up from the bed.

"Storm, doll; I didn't mean it like that." I assured quickly.

"You don't want him, do you?" She asked sadly. I cupped her swollen jaw- I would have to ask her about that later.

"Let's get you home-like right now." I said.

"Blake grab the kid." I said.

"His name is Lucas, Ace." She said sending me a death glare.

"Grab Luke please." I begged and he nodded. We walked her out back and to our car. She sat in the back with Blake and Luke as I sat in the front with Brandon and drove back to the bar.

Storm's POV:

I sighed happily stepping into the hot sprays of the shower. I looked down and felt the stitches left on my stomach. Harrison said they would dissolve in a week or two. Once I finished I placed on my familiar banded underwear and sweats along with a baggy white shirt. I tied my semi-damp hair into a bun and walked into the main room of our place.

"Okay I bought necessities." Keith said walking in with a trolley full of baby stuff.

"Isn't he supposed to cry?" Ace asked staring down at Luke.

"He doesn't cry. He's a good baby." I smiled lightly touching his face. Luke moved his hand and I laughed quietly.

"Diapers, bottles, clothes, formula, a basket thingy-"

"A bassinet?" I laughed.

"Yeah that, and anything else to support your baby endeavours. Courtesy of Keith Rivers baby delivery." He smiled.

"Now maybe work on getting yourself a girl?" Ace teased.

"So funny." He said with no emotion. I laughed lightly sorting through the things Ace got Keith to buy. I picked out a small white onesie and a fresh diaper.

"Learn." I said tossing them to Ace.

"I was going to go put the crib together." He said and I smiled.

"Fine. You can get one pass." I said moving him out of the way. He rolled up his sleeves and grabbed the bottle of scotch and a glass.

"Need a drink to be a handy man." He said.

"Do you even have tools?" I asked doing up Luke's diaper.

"Of course I do. What man doesn't?"

"Oh I forgot you're a man now." I teased.

"You are so funny, honey." He called.

"Eww don't call me, honey." I said disgusted. He came back into the kitchen and placed his hands on my hips and kissed the back of my head.

"Sorry doll. Oh and once I finish this I want to look at your jaw. If anything is wrong I'm going to kill Richie. Again." He promised.

"Daddy doesn't realize mommy is strong." I cooed to Luke. I laid him in the bassinet as I prepared a bottle.

I fed Luke and once he was finished he was asleep again. I laid him down and went to go see if Ace needed any help.

"Know what you're doing?" I chuckled.

"Yea. This thing is a piece of cake." He said cockily.

"I've missed you." I said quietly. He stopped working and met my eyes.

"I missed you too, doll. Every fucking second." He said and I smiled.

"I love you, hubby." I giggled and he chuckled.

"You will always be my doll, baby. I love you too." He smirked. Ace made me feel like a high school girl that was livin' the life in the 90's or something.

He was the best.

Loving Brandon (Second book in Rivers series)Where stories live. Discover now