Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Anastasia's POV:

"Ugh." I groaned which was muffled by the nice smelling, fluffy pillow I was laying on. I opened my eyes and stared at the black satin pillow casing.

I swore the hotel bedding was a rose colour?

I moved my messy hair out of my face and looked around. The sun came in through the blinds and I turned my head and my eyes landed on a shirtless Brandon. The sheet hung low on his hips, low enough to expose the band of his skin tight boxers. I looked around for any evidence of 'protective-wrapping' but I didn't see anything.

I sighed in relief and flopped my head back down onto the pillow.

Don't get me wrong, Brandon was the definition of hot, but I don't know...I wanted to take things slow and I wanted things done right.

I closed my eyes from the light and I felt the bed shift. I opened my eyes to see him rubbing his eyes and stretching. The sheet shifted lower and my jaw dropped.

"Holy shit!" I exclaimed yanking down the sheet.

"You did this last night Ana." He laughed.

"Brandon is that normal? I don't think someone can be that big." I said.

"I'm six foot five, it is normal for my height."

"You're a giant." I said still examining his package you could say.

"You did this last night. I thought you were going to have your way with me." He said chuckling. His voice was so raspy I loved it. I just stared at him quietly and he looked over at me.

"You alright?" He asked and I just smiled.

"I like hearing your morning voice. Keep talking." I said softly. He laughed and rubbed his eyes.

"You just want to hear me talk the whole time my morning voice is still intact?" He asked and I nodded.

"Did you have fun last night, lightweight?" He asked and I laughed.

"I know I thought a couple swigs of vodka would loosen up the nerves."

"You were nervous?" He asked honestly.

"Of course I was, I wanted to make a good impression. I wanted to show you that I'm not the asshole you think I am."

"I don't think you're an asshole." He frowned.

"Everyone usually does. 'Oh you are too cold hearted' or 'loosen up stop being so Goddamn tense'." I mocked rolling my eyes.

"You take your job seriously and you want to do good. It's admirable." He said putting an arm behind his head.

"You think so? Most guys don't like a woman with power."

"I do. I think it's sexy." He winked and I blushed.

"Your morning voice is going away. That's so sad." I pouted.

"I will just go back to sleep again." He said rolling over and laying literally on top of me.

"Brandon, stop!" I giggled hitting his back lightly.

"I don't have to go in to work. I'm a cuddler too." He said.

"Go help out the boys with looking for Richie. We can do some Netflix and chill tonight." I smirked as he leaned back up. He stared down at me and I smiled glancing at his lips briefly.

"Can you drop me off at my hotel so I can get some clothes?" I asked.

"What size are you?" He asked.

"Like a five or a six." I shrugged.

"Sylvia has a tonne of clothes she doesn't wear here. Some stuff with the tags still on it."

"She won't mind that some random is wearing her designer clothes?"

"She probably won't even be here today because she is watching Briana."

"Is Briana your niece?"

"Yea. She's gorgeous. She is my little angel." He said laying his head down on my chest. I smiled wrapping an arm around his shoulders and laying my hand on his head gently running my fingers through his brown tufts of hair.

"What time is it?"

"Noon. I guess I better start getting ready." He sighed pushing himself up so he hovered above me. He looked down at me and licked his lips and I swear it was the hottest thing ever.

"You look so good in my shirt." He said his finger tips grazing the top of my thigh.

"Do I? These are really comfy." I smirked as he fixed the shirt.

"Breathtaking I want you in it all the time."

"All the time? Thinking ahead Masterson?" I asked.

"Always am, beautiful." He smirked pushing back the strands of my hair.

"If you don't go get dressed I will never leave your bed."

"Good because I don't want to."

"You don't want to go look for Storm?" I asked.

"No I want too, but I really could use a break." He said rubbing the bags under his eyes.

"Would it be bad if you took the day off? To regain some energy or something?" I asked.

"I guess I can. I am always at work." He said looking off.

"Okay you do that and get off because I need to pee." I said tapping his muscles arms.

"Sure thing, babe." He said getting off and standing in the middle of the floor.

"Are you going to put on pants?" I asked and he smirked whilst looking at his phone.

"I'll put on shorts." He sighed grabbing a pair of black shorts and pulling them on with one hand. I stood in the door way and watched his muscles flex as he bent down and grabbed materials from the floor. He grabbed my bralette and placed it into his pocket.

"This is mine now." He assured and I laughed walking into the bathroom.

Loving Brandon (Second book in Rivers series)Where stories live. Discover now