Chapter 30 - Im Fine .. For Now

Start from the beginning

"I know. The fans are amazing!" I added. We were in New York and then we were heading to Philly tomorrow.

"Have you talked to Melanie today?" she asked

"No. I talked to mom though and she said Mel dropped MJ off then went to the hospital." I said

"Does she know what's wrong with her mom?"

"No." just then my phone went off; It was Melanie. "Hello?"

"Hey babe."

"Hey Melanie. How's your mom?"

"She's --- okay."

"Do they know what's wrong with her?" I asked as Drew and Keaton sat down joining Breezy and I and all three of them turned their attention to me.

"She overdosed on some pills because she had bad migranes and headaches. They said something else is wrong with her but they don't know what so they're doing tests on her now." she sighed and so did I.

"Do you want me-"

"No. Your going to finish off your tour. I'll be fine and so will my mom."

"Fine; I'll finish it. How's her boyfriend doing?"

"Honestly? Bad ... real bad. He thinks everything is his fault because he wasn't there. I keep telling him it isn't but he won't believe me. He loves my mom and if she gets worse he's going to be a wreck. I feel so bad for him." she finished and all I could do was shake my head. I heard someone behind her talking and she began talking again. "Wes, I love you. I have to go, I'll try to call you later on. Good luck at the show tonight. I know you guys are going to do amazing as always. Love you and tell everyone I love them too." she sent a kissing sound through the phone then our call disconnected.

"So? What's going on?" Keaton asked sipping his smoothie. I told them everything Melanie said from beginnign to end and they all looked at me with sincere looks.

"She'll be okay dude." Drew reassured taking hold of my shoulder and adding a smile to back up his words.

"I hope so bro because if not , Mel and Michael are going to go through it bad."

"Well, let's head back over to the hotel. We have soundcheck at 5 and before that we have that interview at Z100." Keaton said trying to get my mind off of the situation.

"Cool. Let's go, I need to shower anyway." I said and we all walked out the diner place and were on our way back to the hotel.

-At the Concert-

"And I know that I could make you feel, like your sitting on top of the world but if you give me half the chance, I know I'd make you mine." Keaton sang and I came in with the hook.

"I'm giving you the X's X's. I'm giving you the O's O's , I'm giving you everything in between, I saved it all for youuuuuuu. So hit me with a yes, yes you gotta let me know." I finished and XO was over. We closed out with that song but the show wasn't over yet.

"Hey, everyone." Keaton greeted gaining cheers throughout the whole place. "Kay, can you come out here please?" he asked and she came onto the stage. I had my phone out recording since Melanie wasn't here and she'd feel pissed if she knew what Keaton was about to do and she wasn't here.

"Why'd you bring me out here?" Kay whispered nervously looking around

"We've been together for a long time and I love you. We've had our share of ups and downs but I love you and how you make me smile, and make me bagel bites after a long day at the studio" Keaton chuckled and the crowd laughed "So, what I'm trying to say is ... Kay will you marry me?" he asked holding out a ring adn the crowd was applauding and cheering.

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