Chapter Twenty Four - The Hospital Life

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"I honestly didn't know Eva-"

"Save it," I cut off, having had enough. "Let me know when Joel is home, I need to know when I should call the police to come over."

I was just about to leave, but I felt a tug on my arm, "You wouldn't really call the police, would you Eva?" She questioned, a shocked expression taking over her face. "We're practically family, you wouldn't call the police on family."

I couldn't help snorting, "And a psychotic family member shouldn't stalk another family member," I walked towards the door and turned back around to make one last comment, "Oh and another thing, psychotic family members should never have sex together, that's just wrong on so many levels."

With that I slammed the door shut and headed back down the driveway.

"He isn't my real brother!" I faintly heard her call after me.

Oh, please.


"Mum! I don't feel so good!" I grumbled, bustling into the bathroom, clutching onto my stomach. I hurried over to the toilet and lifted the lid up, seconds before I emptied my insides.

"Mum!" I called, again, heaving over the toilet. Oh god, that donut must of been way past its expiry date.

"What is it?" Demanded mum, looking rather cranky, juggling baby Christopher in one arm and a nappy in another.

I opened my mouth to reply but when I did, words didn't come out- breakfast did.


"Did you eat anything that tasted funny in the last couple of days?" Questioned, Nurse Linda, in a caring voice.

I was in a temporary ward, and I was soon going to be moved to a more permanent one. Apparently the donut I had eaten, had not only been expired for a whole month, but there was also a bug in there, a maggot. Knowing that I'd eaten that made me throw up even more- 4 times to be exact.

"We already told the last nurse that she'd eaten a cinnamon donut that didn't taste too good," Mum explained, handing onto my vomit bag.

"Right," she muttered, scribbling down into a clipboard.

"Do you mind, taking me to a bathroom? I kinda need-" I started.

"To do a number two?" She cut off, with a smirk. I nodded, shamefully. "Don't worry, that's a usual side effect, helps your body rid itself of the icky germs and bad stuff. Okay, right this way," she motioned, pointing to a corridor to the right.

I followed her lead until we reached a door with a ladies' toilet sign. I was just about to push it open when Nurse Linda, pulled me over to another room.

"This is your ward, dear," she explained, "Your mother said you wouldn't mind sharing it with someone you knew," she smiled, over at me cheerily.

"Someone I know?" I asked, looking back at mum expectantly.

She gave me a sheepish grin, "Well yeah, you know Matt. He's lonely and I think he could use your company-"

"Mum, I hate Matt. Matt hates me. We don't enjoy each others company," I said speaking slowly, so mum would understand what I was saying.

"Get over it, you're sharing-"

"Not when I've got diarrhoea!" I hissed, looking over at the bed which was occupied by a supposedly, sleeping Matt.

"Eva, I've gotta head home soon," sighed mum, checking her watch, "Look, if you make it through the night, we'll be getting that trampoline your always begging for, deal?"

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