Chapter 13- "I didn't like the way they were looking at you"

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"I didn't like the way they were looking at you" He clenched his jaw.

My jaw dropped and I stared at him dumbfounded "You just pissed off a huge gang, because you didn't like how they looked at me"?!

"I thought that's what I just said"! He snapped.

I sat straight in my seat, and shook my slowly at why Ryker did that.

"You're unbelievable" I muttered.

"Only for you princess" He winked, and I tensed up as butterflies erupted my stomach' and ignored the feeling.

He continued to speed down the street, and I watched as we zoomed past cars and trees that surrounded the highway.

We came to the middle of the woods and I asked "Where are we"?

It's been about an hour of driving and Ryker didn't tell me where we were going, which left me clueless as to why we were in the middle of the woods at 4 p.m.

"The cabin" He said as we came up a long hidden driveway to a cabin, where everyone's cars were parked.

"What is this"? I asked as I opened the door and got out, and Ryker did the same.

He walked up to the front door and I followed behind him, and he grabbed his keys and unlocked the door, and opened it. Then walking in, and I followed shutting the door behind me.

"They're here"! Reece shouted, as he walked in and looked at us amused.

They all came out, and Leah threw my a shirt, since I was still in a bikini top and bathing suit short bottoms. I pulled on the plain white v-neck t-shirt.

"What the hell were you thinking"!? Craig shouted at Ryker.

Ryker rolled his eyes "If you were there, you would have done the same fucking thing Craig!"

"Don't do it again" Craig warned him "Or you're benched from racing".

Ryker scoff in response "Fine, then you're loosing all money you have betting on the race".

I pressed my lips in a thin line, and stayed silent.

"Watch it Anderson! You're already in deep water"! Craig gritted.

"Oh fucking bullshit"! Ryker rolled his eyes and yelled.

Before Craig yelled anything, I spoke up "Craig".

Their heads all snapped towards me and I bit my and continued "Ryker was just trying to help me..if you want to bench anyone, just bench me".

Craig clenched his jaw and looked from me to Ryker "She just saved your ass" then walking away and into a room, as he slammed it behind him, and I flinched at the sound.

Ryker wore an angered expression, and he just looked at me then away and walking to another room.

"They'll cool down, in a bit...." Neil assured, and I nodded slightly.

"Hey" Leah smiled as she sat down across from me.

"Hey" I forced a small smile. I was sitting by the fireplace, staring at the orange fire with small flames of blue in it.

"I feel like we haven't talked much...and you and my brother are obviously Bipolar about each other" She stated.

I raised an eyebrow "Bipolar about each other"? I questioned.

"Yeah one minute you guys are fighting; wanting to rip each others heads off, then the next you seem like you two could be best friends, and stick up for each other" She explained.

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