I admitted bashfully, "I've been busy." 

"I can see that," Rian flashed me one of his famous white smiles while looking around my massive studio, "how'd you get hooked up with this space?" 

I shrugged, "The summer after we graduated I went to a YMAS concert with Henry. I got talking with Josh after the show, showed him some pictures and he agreed to loan me the down payment if I shoot his band for free of course." I smiled remembering that night. I ended up hooking up with Josh after Henry and I broke up during their set that night.  

"How is Henry?" Alex asked bitterly from by the door. 

The sight of him took my breath away. His hair was darker and short and he was taller with a wider frame, but he was still Alex. After all these years he was still him.  

Someone cleared their throat.  

"Oh." I lowered my head away from Alex. "We, uh, we broke up." 

"That's too bad," Zack frowned sympathetically at me.  

I saw Alex smirking from the doorway and scowled. "Not all bad. I get to go on dates and everything." 

Alex snorted, "Who are you dating?"  

"Don't be rude, Alex," Ally slapped him on the back of his head and walked over to hug me.  

I beamed, "Hey, Ally. How've you been."  

"Better now that I've found you again. I've been sick with these chumps for three years. Three years, wow. What have you been up to?" she asked.  

"This," I shrugged and lifted my arms slightly to show I meant the studio.  

"This?" she frowned dissatisfied with my answer. "Who've you been seeing?" 

I blushed, "A guy here and there... It's been three years I can't go over every aspect of my dating life in three minutes. We can have lunch or something." 

"Perfect!" She exclaimed, "All seven of us." 

"Oh," I chocked. How was I going to get through an entire dinner with Alex, "Yeah, um, sure. I'll ask Sophie to check my books for my free times." 

I walked out to the front room and hissed under my breath to Sophie, "Please tell me I have something to do tonight." 

"Why?" she whispered back.  

"The guys want to have dinner tonight. Including Alex," I sighed.  

"The Alex?" she gasped. I nodded scaredly. She looked at me apologetically and yelled, "You're all clear." 

Manage Me I'm A Mess (All Time Low Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now