Chapter 11

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Justin's P.O.V.

I walked to Brooke's home. I reached there and knocked the door. Seconds later, the door opened and Brooke was there. "Hey." I said. "Hi! Glad you came!" I entered the house finding her mom and dad welcoming me. "Good afternoon Mr. & Mrs. Parker." I said politely. Both of them nodded welcoming me. "Come. Lets eat." Brooke said. I went after her and sat next to her.

I thanked her mom and asked Brooke to lead me to the bathroom.

Brooke's P.O.V.

"The bathroom is there. You can wait me in my room after you done." I said. He just nodded. I went to help mom with the dishes. "He seems to be nice." mom said. "Mom, do you need anything else? Justin's waiting me in my room." "No it's fine. Go." "Thanks!"

I went to my room finding Justin sitting on my purple couch. "Hey der." I said. "Oh hi." "Do you play COD:Black Ops?" "Hmm yes." "So, do you wanna play?" I asked. "What? Against you?" he said laughing raising an eyebrow. "Oh well yes. I can play it better than you do!" I said giggling.

Justin's P.O.V.

Her giggle is so cute. Don't get me wrong but she's pure perfection.

"Oh really? Why don't we play so that we find out?" I asked. "Sure. We'll see." she said winking with a smirk.

We played for like two hours. And she won most of the matches. Wow.

Brooke's P.O.V.

"So, who can play better than who? Huh?" I said with a smirk. "Oh come on. I've let you win because I didn't feel like making you loose. That would hurt you." he said. "Oh really Mr. Bieber?" I said raising an eyebrow. "Yes, indeed." "Yea, whatever."

Justin's P.O.V.

I must admit that she's a good player but not admitting that infront of her. Haha.


Note: Thank you guys for all the support! Next chapter when I reach 550 reads & 60 votes. Okay lovies? Lysm. And can you please leave comments about your opinions, etc.? Please? Thanks again!

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