Chapter 7

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After chemistry, I went kept my things in the locker and stood there waiting for Justin. Suddenly, he appears. "Sorry, am late." "Oh no. It's ok. So? What we doing now?" "Do you want to go bowling?" I stood there shocked. Shall I trust him and go out with him? Or no? Plus, what will I tell my parents if I get late to home. But, I really have a feeling that he's different so I said "Yeah. Sure." "Oh umm, can you wait here for some time? I'll just go get my car." "Kay."

After 10 minutes, he came. I went out and opened the car's door and sat. The journey was silent. We reached and got out. "Am not really good, Justin." "Haha, it's ok. I'll teach you."

"Let's play against each other." said Justin with a smirk. "What? No. You'll definitely win!" "No, please. Please. Please. Please." "Okay, fine." "Yay."

We started playing. Then it was my turn. I ran throwing the ball. And then I just heard Justin laughing. "What? What's so funny?" "Thats not how you throw the ball." "I told you I don't know how to play." "Okay, watch and learn from me." I watched him how he did throw the ball. He did it in a really good way and scored a Strike. Then, it was my turn. I was about to throw the ball when he said "No no no. Not like this." I felt him come behind me and guide my hands. Am not gonna lie, my heart stared pounding really fast. And then, he helped me throw the ball. I jumped happily because I scored a Strike. "Your welcome." he said "Oh. Thank You."

The game ended and then he says "I am starving. Aren't you? Let's go eat?" "Hmm. Yeah I am. Let's go."

We went to the food court and ate something.

We finished and went back to his car. I looked at the time and got shocked. Probably my parents are angry now. I am late. Ooops.

He drove until we reached my house. "Thank you. I had fun today." "No probs. We should do it again." "Yeah sure. Bye." "Bye."

I entered to find my parents waiting for me. "Omg sweetie! Where have you been? I was worried about you." mom asked "I was out with a friend." "What? Who is that friend?" dad said angrily. "Umm, Justin...." "And who is that?" "I told you my friend." "In school." I added. "What if he kidnapped you? Huh?" "Mom, calm down. He wouldn't." "Whatever. Next time no going out with anyone unless you tell me sweetie. You know how much we love you." "Okay..."

I went up to my room and changed into something more comfortable.

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