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Hey guys!

I want to thank you all for reading my fanfiction and for your support!

I'd really love it if you commented, told me your opinion, voted and added my story to your library.(:

I want to apologize for not being able to update but I promise that I'll update after my exams. I really need to study well so that I'd be able to score good marks that will enable me to have a good future, lol. So, I'll not be able to update for 24 days. Yes, isn't that hard and boring to be studying for whole 24 days? But anyway, when I finish, I'll be having a summer vacation. So, its a good thing my lovies. Because it means that I'll be able to update. But lets hope that I dont fail in my exams because if I do fail, I'll be grounded which means no updating. So, you better pray for me and wish me good luck, lol.

Once again, THANK YOU LOVIES.♡ And don't forget to vote, comment and share. Oh and add it to your library. Haha, sorry lol.

Love you,


P.S. Twitter; @iSupportBiebur, follow me. Xx

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