Chapter 5

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Thinking about Justin and all made me think about how stupid am I to think that he likes me. Maybe he is just planning to have fun with me for sometime and then ditch me like all other guys because, everytime a guy tries to talk with me, it is no good. All my past with guys is like this. I have never fell in love. But what if he is different?

Mom entered the room distracting me from my own thoughts. "Hey sweetie. How was school today?" "Hey mom. Fine." "Lunch is ready. Aren't you hungry?" "Uh no mom. I'll eat later. Am full." "As you wish. But, you'll eat after sometime." "Okay."

I took a bath and straightend my hair. By now, I was starving so I went down and found my parents scolding my sister because she ditched school. Apparently, the school called and told. So, my dad seeing me started asking me "Don't you know that Kristina didn't go to school today?! Why didn't you tell us?" "Dad, I didn't know. I didn't even see her in the morning." "Okay, fine. But still, you are older so you should take care of your sister." "Yeah sure dad. Because she listens to me." I said in a sarcastic way. "I am starving. So, please let me go eat something."

I entered the kitchen, opened the fridge and found some pasta. I got it out and heated some to eat.

"Yummmm, it tastes so good." I said.

My mobile vibrated. ~New Text Message~

From Justin:

"Good night xxxxxx"


I replied:

"Night, see you tomorrow(: x"


I went upstairs and got to sleep.

Falling in Love for the First Time ♡Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora