Chapter 8

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Justin's P.O.V

I entered home. "Hey mom." "Hi son. How was today?" "Good." "I suppose you took your lunch." "Yeah." "With...?" "Brooke." "Who's that guy? A new bestfriend?" "MOOOOM! It is a SHE. And I met her at school. So, just friends." "Oh, looks like someone is in love." I started blushing so I just thought of changing the topic. "Did dad -" "Justin, I told you not to open this topic again with me. Dad and I are over." "Sorry."

I really don't want mom to get upset from me so I thought of shutting up. "Do you need help with lunch?" "No son, it's finished." "Yummmy. Pasta with Alfredo sauce. Mom, where's Jaxon?" "He's at Jeremy's." mom said in a disgusted way. "Oh." I ate and went up to my room.

I did my homework. But then, I got bored after I finished. So, I thought of calling Brooke. I unlocked my phone and dialed her number. I listened to the beeping sound until I heard her deep, beautiful, pure voice. "Hey." "Hi, how are you?" "Fine. What about you?" "Good. Did you get scolded? Because you were late." "No, they were a bit angry." "I am really sorry." "No. It's ok. Nothing happened." "Oh. So you're coming tomorrow to school?" "Yeah sure." "Um oh Night. Bye." "Night. Bye. See you tomorrow." "See you." I pressed the red button and went to sleep.

Brooke's P.O.V.

Okay. Why did Justin call? I don't know. Really. I wanted to go to sleep but I couldn't. I was thinking of Justin. I closed my eyes and started thinking of us kissing.

But then I just tried taking it out of mind because I don't think that we would ever date and that's just stupid. I mean, I don't hate him. But it's not that he likes me. He likes me as a friend sure. Not more than this. But, if we date then it's meant.

Justin's P.O.V.

I tried sleeping. But, I couldn't. I was thinking of her to be honest. I kinda like her. And I think she is pretty.

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