Chapter 6

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I woke up to my alarm. I didn't really want to get up from the bed but I have to. I got up, took a shower and put on some skinny jeans with a white baggy short sleeved shirt along with my black converse.

I went down finding my sister eating cereal. I ate my breakfast, got my bag and was about to open the door when my mobile vibrated. ~New Text Message~

From Justin:

"Morning, am waiting outside your house. Maybe we can go to school together? Xxxxx"


I didn't reply. I went out finding him waiting. "Good morning." I said. "Oh hey, I thought you were still sleeping." "No, I wasn't."

We were walking and then we hear "JUSTIN!" from the back. So, Justin stopped. Which made me stop too. We turned finding a boy who I didn't know. "Jaxon, what are you doing?" said Justin. "You forgot your book." said that boy waving a book he held. "Oh. So you followed me to give me this. Anyways, thanks bro! Get back home."

Justin took the book and we continued. "Who was that?" I asked. "Oh. This is Jaxon. My brother. He is 15. But, he is sick today. So, he's not going to school." "Oh." I said.

We entered the school. I headed to my locker and started getting my stuff. Thank God. Today I don't have lot of periods. Then I hear Madison saying "Hi. I saw you today with a guy. Who's that?" she asked. I started laughing saying "First of all, good morning. Two, am fine. Three, he is just a friend. I guess." Madison stood there making ooooing sounds. "Stop." I said. "Okay okay Boo." The bell rang so we headed to the maths class.

We entered. Then, the teacher entered. "Good morning class. Open your books. We'll start a new chapter today."

He started explaining and giving informations which were too complicated.

The period finished. I went out where I found Justin waiting outside after the math class. After he saw me, he asked "What periods are you free in today?" I looked down my timetable and told him "I have English and chemistry left today." He said "Okay, so after chemistry meet me near your locker." "What? Why?" "Nothing, just thought we could hang out. If you want ofcourse." "Oh yeah ok sure." I said in a surprised way because trust me other guys would't want to hang out with me.

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