"And you won't lose me. Promise." Smiling lightly she nodded, "Good." As she said that her mom came over and tugged her away. With how late in the day we decided to have this, the sun already started to go down. "Hey." Scott, Stiles, Stilinski and mom came up to me. "You ready to go home?" Glancing back at where the grave was I nodded. "Yeah, let's go home."

             I went with Stiles and sat on his bed once we got to his room. Stiles immediately started to take down his wall of news reports and yarn as I watched him. "Hey. What're you doing?" Stilinski walked by the door and glanced in, causing Stiles and I to glance towards him. "Just, uh, clearing my head." Stilinski nodded and smiled tightly. 

         Having Stiles back to normal was great and all, and I don't know about him, but I could see the toll it took on his dad. Sure it took it's toll on all of us, but for Stilinski it was slightly harder. Yeah, I would be hurt if something happened to Stiles, I'd break but that would be the end of it for Stilinski.

        Stiles is his only child and only family he has left. "Jayla?" I lifted my head quickly at Stiles' voice. "Yeah?" 

          "I'm tired." I nodded and moved I was lying on the bed. "Then sleep." He yawned and crawled onto the bed. Even with the last week going by, it was hard to catch up on so much lost sleep. We both got under the blanket and I closed my eyes, but the bed shifted. "No hey, look at me." Opening my eyes I looked up at him. "Why?" He lifted his hand up and pushed hair out of my face,

          "So I can look at you." Smiling lightly I shook my head. "Shut up." He leaned forward slightly, "Are you going to make me?" 

         "You know that's exactly what you said before I first kissed you." I reached out and grabbed Stiles' hand as I spoke and he nodded. "Do it again." Rolling my eyes, I leaned up and kissed him slightly. "There, happy?" He nodded as I sighed and closed my eyes again. "I love you ,too." Opening my eyes I looked up at him. 


         He glanced down at me and sighed. "I didn't get the chance to say it, when you died in my arms, which still confuses me by the way. The last thing you said to me, was that you loved me, and I didn't get a chance to say it back. So I'm saying it back." A smile spread heavily onto my face as I looked up at him. "I meant it too. Even if it seems like I said it because I was dying, I meant it." I put my hand on his cheek as I looked at him. 

        "I love you, so much." He kissed my forehead and nodded, "I love you too."


               The next Monday at school I stood in the hallway with Lydia and Kira. "I wish I could say something to him.I wish I could say something to all of them. But I don't how much space or how much time I'm supposed to give them. And I know I'm still just the new girl at school." In a way, she was talking about Lydia and I but mainly she meant Scott.

            She knew enough already that Allison's death was going to severely take a toll on Scott. He loved her. She loved him. They had an epic love. As Kira spoke I noticed Malia walking down the stairs with coach. "You ever run track? I mean, you have excellent muscle definition." Shaking my head, I glanced back at Kira. "That's going to change soon."

        Malia looked at Lydia and I as she walked past us, and later on that day I met with Scott and Stiles at home. Scott had agreed to help Malia control her shift and he started with the basics. Like keeping her eyes from glowing, claw control, and fang extension. I sat on the end of my bed as Scott stood in front of Malia. She tried to extend her claws but they didn't come out, she already looked frustrated.

       I would too if I had been a coyote for about eight years and suddenly had to be human and control all of the powers that came along with it. "It's okay, Don't think about it too much. Just try to let it happen." Scott got his claws out and Malia glanced at me, allowing me to nod. "Try again."

          She took a deep breath and nodded slightly, throwing her hand out as her claws came out. As they came out she squealed and swung her arm towards me quickly. "Oh god, wow." A huge smile was on her face as she held her hand in front of me. "Oh, I am so sorry." I smiled back, "That's good!" She laughed lightly as Scott smiled and Stiles sat bad. 

             He was more there to watch and wait than anything, he knew Malia, yes but she seemed to take a liking and preferring Scott and I over him. As usual I was going to be going over to his house after, I hardly ever slept at my house anymore, if I did, Stiles was here with me. 

           Stiles was always there. And so was Scott or Lydia. We're always going to be there, nothing can change that.

        That's it. Anchor is finished. If you're confused about anything that happened feel free to message me or comment. Thank you for this, I don't know when I'll be starting book two BUT I will post the beginning of it onto my profile later tonight. Once again thank you for taking the time to read this book, all the love.  


ANCHOR ° S. STILINSKIWhere stories live. Discover now