The door behind me opened causing me to spin around. "Jayla?" Mom was the first one to look up and I nodded tightly, "Yeah, yeah it's me." Before she could step forward Scott did. Instead of hugging me like I thought he was going to he sniffed me. "You don't- You smell like you. Nothing changed." I glanced down and nodded. "I feel absolutely fine. I don't know what happened, but I feel fine." 

           Mom nodded, "Maybe, but you're going to have to stay here so we can check up on you. Make sure you're really okay." Nodding as she guided me out of the room, I sighed, "I swear. I'm fine."


        Funerals. Everybody hates them, it's hard not to when it means you lost somebody close to you. Especially somebody like Allison Argent. There wasn't a person there that didn't like her. She was too good, too nice for anybody to hate. Everybody stood around a hole dug into the ground a week later, some crying, some standing with no emotion showing.

       Not that they weren't feeling it. They were just numb from the pain. Too numb to have a reaction. Mainly, that was me, Chris as well but you could tell he was holding himself together. I on the other hand, just stood there. There was no way I could let myself show emotion. If I showed emotion over her death it would become reality and the one thing I hated most was reality.

           Stiles stood next to me, very few tears strolling down his cheeks. Scott was to the right of me, he looked like he was going to cry but knowing him he wouldn't. Across from me was Lydia, she was crying her eyes out. Make-up running everywhere and sobs could be heard on this side, even by a non-werewolf. None of us ever figured that out. How I got bit by an alpha, died, and then came back perfectly fine. No powers, no side-effects. Just, human. Like before. 

         Somebody read out as Allison's coffin was ready to be lowered into the designated hole for it, watching it made me grab Stiles' arm. He had been my rock through all of this. Losing her, coming back from the dead. As they lowered Allison into the ground I stepped forward, taking a hand full of sand and tossing it into the hole. I glanced back at Scott and nodded, my eyes finally starting to fill up with tears. Quickly I turned and walked away from the group.

           I wiped my eyes, taking a shaky breath. "It's alright to cry you know." Turning quickly I faced Isaac. "I've decided to not be much of a crier." Isaac shook his head, "Hate to break it to you but you kind of don't have control over that." I nodded tightly, "I do if I focus enough. Is what Scott told me true? You're leaving?" He nodded slightly, running his hand through his hair.

       "Yeah. We're going to bury the nogitsune in France. Maybe stay awhile." By 'we're' he meant him and Chris. They were planning on leaving tonight and as much as I hated it there was nothing I could do to control it. "Will you at least visit? Once or twice." A light chuckle came from him as he nodded, "I'll see." Taking another deep breath I stepped forward and wrapped my arms tightly around Isaac's waist.

            "I'm going to miss you, so freaking much." He hugged me and nodded, "I will too but we still have phones, we can call." I rolled my eyes, "Yeah right. I have to pay for long distance calls." Isaac smiled as Chris came up and patted his shoulder. "You ready?" Isaac nodded, "Yeah. Bye Jayla." I bit my lip. "Bye Isaac." They turned but I shook my head. "Wait, Chris." 

            He stopped and turned. "Yeah?" Just like with Isaac I hugged him. "Make sure he doesn't get killed, keep me updated." Surprisingly he chuckled and nodded, "I will. You kids be safe around here. Watch out for Stiles, you know how he is." Scoffing I nodded, "Oh trust me. I know." 

          He turned and left with Isaac and I smiled lightly. It's strange how even at the saddest of moments we still laughed and smiled. Allison would have wanted us to be happy. She would want us to live our lives, I know that's what I would want. A hand touched my back, causing me to turn around. "Lydia, hey how you holding up?" She nodded, "Better. definitely better now that I know I didn't lose both of you." Nodding slightly I bit my lip.

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