Chapter 10: Happily Ever Afterish

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Heey Guys! I'm going to make this the last chapter of this novel so that I can start a new book. I have so many great ideas that I want to share! Hope you Enjoy:) 


As he slipped the ring onto my finger, he recited the words, "I promise to be loyal and true to you my love. You will never feel neglected or have to feel unworthy. I won't ever hurt you the way I did before again. I love you Crystal Paige Jennings and you deserve the best."

I couldn't help, but tear up and blush shyly. It was like I was meeting this green-eyed, curly haired boy all over again.

As I looked into those deep, green eyes of his, I saw this adorable little British boy and flash backed to all of the moments, good and bad; and even the over dramatic ones that we've shared.

I realized that it wasn't what we had been through, but to look forward to what obstacles we would go through and learn how to fix them along the way.

He clasped his smooth hand into mine and neither of us said a word. I knew that we were both just embracing this moment. Then, he moved in closer and pressed his lips against mine and it felt like the whole world had stopped and it was just us.

When we broke from the kiss, we looked up at each other and for the first time I actually saw Harry. Not his looks, not his rock star figure, but I saw who he was.

Hands still tightly bonded, we headed towards the door and saw Nikki and Niall "macking". It took us a while to get those two lovebirds into the car. "I love you Crystal." "I love you too Harry," and I meant it.

"I love you". Huh... yeah I liked the sound of that. We drove off and as each mile went by so did all the troubles, heartaches, cheating, lying, and backstabbing. It all became one big blur.

 A few months later...

Everything was pretty much back to normal. Harry and I had our daily routine of meeting up every morning before school, grabbing a bite to eat, and then walking together while holding hands.

Then, after school we would both babysit to earn and then save the money for multiple tasks. After that we would still have enough time to go on a date before dark.

Sometimes both Nikki and Niall would even tag along and we double date. I never got tired of it. As for Nikki and Niall... well they sort of have an on and off type thing. "I love you", "I hate you", "I never want to see you again"; yes, that sort of relationship.

I see Nikki during school and hangout with her as much as I can on the weekends while Harry is in the recording studio. Today, we are heading off to the beach. I run over to Harry's house and hug him. Then, we hop into the car to pick up Nikki and Niall.

When we arrived, we all rushed to find the perfect spot.  Harry leaned me aginst him.

"I'm going to miss you over the summer when you are on tour." I said quickly as I glanced up at him. "I know, but you can come with me." Harry beamed with excitement. "You know that I can't just drop everything here and go off to tour the world with you. It's not that easy." I responded with a sigh.

"Well, then can you come and see me every once and a while? I'll give you a permanent backstage pass and ticket so that you can come and see me whenever you'd like." "I'd love to. You'll probably find another girl since there are gonna be girls all over you." I slid back into Harry's lap.

"Crystal, look at me." Harry said it as more of a demand than a suggestion. I looked up wide eyed and waited. "I love you and only you. There is no one else who can compare to you. Okay?" Harry relaxed his wrinkled brows.

I nodded and smiled at him. Then I gently pushed him over, jumped on top of him, and kissed him to a great extent.

When we released from the kiss, I jumped up and said, "Try and catch me!" I ran swiftly to the ocean as I heard Harry's footsteps only paces behind mine.

When I reached the ocean, Harry had caught up behind me and grabbed my waist. I giggled and just for the heck of it said, "Your slow." "Oh, yeah?" Harry replied. "Yup." All of a sudden, Harry swept me off my feet, literally, and ran with me around the beach.

We laughed the whole way as I held on tightly not wanting to let go anytime soon. At last Harry gracefully made a thud on the sand, careful not to let me fall.

It was getting late. I could tell based on the shimmering moon and stars that reflected over the subtle tides. I sink into his lap and watch.  

Then, I lay in his arms, and look up into his gorgeous green eyes.

He looks back down at me and gives me his biggest, cutest smile and I laugh.

When he does that I can't help, but melt.

He closes my eyes softly and cradles me in my arms as if he will never let me go.

Before I drift off, he whispers softly in my ear, "Smile 4 Me", but I faintly hear it and before I know it everything fades to black beyond the darkness.

Harry Styles: Smile 4 Me(:Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat