Sun Kissed And Stranded {4}

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Dedication goes to Emma! She's the one making sure this story is actually enjoyable for you, the readers -- correcting all of my pesky little errors and adding the minor details. Also, she's by far one of the nicest people here on Wattpad. She makes the best stories too, check them out sometime! Thank you soso much Emma, for everything! You're the best! :)



I guess that's just how the cookie crumbles -- when it offically falls to the floor.


Connor's Point of View:

Once my lunch date with Lydia was over, she took my hand and led me to school.

"This was cute, but next time you screw up, don't just expect a lunch date to make things better!" Lydia exclaims as she gently tugs on my arm. I grin childishly, food makes everything better.

Inhaling, I take in my surroundings; the smell of the ocean waves, the sight of the majestic palm trees, the constant screech of the seagulls, this was my town. We walk slowly, too slow for Lydia, because she yanks on my arm impatiently every time my feet start to slow. She swings our hands back and forth and I let her, too distracted to care.

Suddenly her phone starts singing this horrid Nikki Minaj pop song. I cringe at the sound as she unlocks her white iPhone with her perfectly manicured nails.

"Oh my god!" she shrieks over-dramatically. I turn all of my attention to her.

"What's wrong?" I ask worriedly, eyes wide.

"I'm missing my cheer practice! Honey, run!"

She just loves to tease me, especially by calling me ridiculous pet names—which she knows perfectly well I despise. She takes her extremely skinny jeans by the belt loops, tugs them up, and runs off swiftly, leaving me with the choice of either running after her or just standing there, not caring either way. Joining her, we cross a few streets every now and then, until we reach Crenshaw.


I pant, trying to catch my breath.  "I'm not waiting for you to compose yourself so that you don't look like a wuss in front of school, I'm going to cheer, bye," she walks off without a backwards glance. I roll my eyes, she was just too much. Building my walls back up, I walk in the school with a smirk glued to my face and a spring in my step.

Once near the school's white stairs, which I climb daily, I hear a manly voice rambling aimlessly about 'saving you, trust me'. I take a glance over my shoulder and recognize the man and identify him as my science teacher, Mr. Rodin. Or maybe he's my math teacher. Dismissing the thought, I analyze the scenario. The teacher—of whatever subject—is carrying a girl princess style, muttering frantically about finding a nurse. He looks extremely unstable, and the girl in his arms seems in danger of being dropped on the ground. He spots me and totters his way over, panting heavily.

"Connor! Take Lauren to the nurse, I found her in front of the gym. My wife is giving birth, thank you.” He shoves the limp body into my arms and starts scurrying to the parking lot. I blink repeatedly at the body; flirty and innocent Lauren was right here in my hands—passed out.

"Wait! Mr. Rodin, what happened to her?" I ask as I try and reposition my hands. I had an uncomfortable hold on her, both of my hands were on her lower back. The teacher simply shrugs and runs off. I frown at the pale body in my hands, Lauren didn't have her warm glow or peachy pink smile. She was a pale, cold shade of white, and her lips were more of a purple.

Finally, I establish the situation. She was dying. 

I run to the nurse's office, taking careful but quick leaps of faith while carrying her fragile body. With each step her body bounces up and gets slammed against me.

“Kathy!" I yell. She gives a quick shriek, considering no one ever visits her office. The nurse closes her computer screen and opens her mouth. I expect her to chastise me on the fact I called her by her first name, as she always does, but that conversation will just have to wait for another day.

"Boy, you're always up to no good, did you knock her up too hard in the janitor's office?" She jokes about my old times when I was a freshman. I shrug it off, it was only once...

"She's dying!" I shout dramatically. "Help her, take her!"

She takes her index finger and places it on her lips, gesturing for me to stop talking. She makes us sit on the doctoral bed, with Lauren still lying motionlessly on my lap. "I just found her, passed out in front of the gym."

It wasn't necessarily a lie, but I wanted in with Kathy's good books, so I did what I had to do.

She takes two fingers and places them under Lauren's neck, listens to her heartbeat with a stethoscope, and shines a small flashlight in her eyes. She gives a sigh of relief and smiles.

"You're in luck, nothing's wrong with her. She just fainted. She's should wake up in a few minutes, so you should probably take her out on a date to the doctor," she says, pinching my cheek. "I'll have to tell your mom that you actually are a good boy, and that you almost saved a life today—with my help of course." She winks.

"Thanks Aunt Kathy," I say in a monotone as I give her a side hug. She smiles and walks away somewhere unknown to me.

Adults nowadays—never closing the doors when the leave the room. I slide off the white fabric chair and close the door. I slump on the desk chair, inhaling the foul-smelling scent of latex gloves and disinfectant.

Many posters of the human body are plastered up against the walls of the office. I take in all of the surroundings, until I finally lay eyes on Lauren. She's truly the masterpiece; in her current state of appearance, she appears to belong here, with her pale, sheet-like face and faint pink lips. Although she is the prettiest thing here, she blends well with the white walls, the white cabinets, the white paper, the white bed. She begins to stir up a storm.

Hopefully I never have to immerse so much worry ever again, this would be bad for my reputation.

Hopefully I never have to worry about her again.

Hopefully I never have to see her like this again.

Just as I think that, her eyes grow huge and she gasps out in the air and reaches for nothing in particular. Here goes nothing...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2013 ⏰

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