And surprisingly I had Tracey by my side, she had always wanted to meet my mother and the feeling was mutual . So when I finally got in contact with my mom again, I started planning , working and plotting to fly my mom out here so she could meet my girl. Only she really wasn't my girl was she?

Looking back on all the times we had and all of the lies she told me made my anger surge, simply because she accused me and I kept it 100 with her always.

Don't fucking say you love someone if you ain't even really about them. And with the nigga I can't stand. The fact he had the nerve to sit there and have a smirk on his face, saying he fucked my girl, boy. He was asking to get put in the damn hospital. That's some messed up shit. Like nigga you knew we were together and you why I ain't cool with you no more. Honestly I just waiting for him to to say anything to me and I promise I'll lay his ass out.

Okay, I need to calm down , think of positive things.

Well good news is that basketball season is about to start since it is almost December. I am so ready to get back on the court , and get noticed. Being in the NBA just seemed like a simple dream but now that I'm older and I got a coach from Duke, one of the top ten colleges with good basketball teams already checking out my statistics, just last season, I feel like I could have a chance. Imma just keep grindin and play to my full capacity .

Once I make it I'll be able to pay off all my mom's debt and buy her and big house with a nice car. I can't wait.

Hell my niggas, Dev and Tre can make it too, and we can all ball out together. That would be the dope as hell.

I was spinning a basketball on my fingertips, switching from finger to finger when my favorite quote from the movie, was resited off of the screen

" Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

I swear I've this a hundred times, but I never get tired of hearing it. I still takes me by surprise , how real that statement is.

This was one of the movies that made me love basketball more, along with the classic "Love & Basketball". I always liked that movie and wanted and relationship like Monica and Quincy. My girl wouldn't have to be a hooper, even though that would be nice, but just be able to bring out the best in me and be a friend. She challenged him and made him change for the better, and that's what I envied. I know it may be corny but if I even were to get into another relationship she would have to be able to connect with me as a friend , and I get a real glimpse of her personality. Not an personality that she made up just to impress me.

I tried to imagine what my life would look like in the future . But the craziest thing happened, I kept picturing Zaria's face.

Yea I have a slight fascination towards her, but it's too early to be trying to get into another relationship. One because I don't wanna jump into nothing and get my heart broken, and two it's too soon to even put her in that situation knowing damn well I'm not even emotionally stable. I don't think the right way to handle a bad relationship is to jump into another one, because it can cause problems.

So she can just be a friend . Although her personality was alluring along with her effortless beauty. I picked up the drawing she had left behind one day in class. I had kept on the table and every now and then I would take a look at it. It was a drawing of a flower. And it was beautiful I could just tell by this little sketch she was talented. A small smile stretched across my face as I pictured to her long curly hair, addictive hazel eyes, and sexy full lips.

I swear I am confusing the hell out of myself, why does she keep crossing my mind, when I haven't even known her that long. It's something about her..-

I heard a knock on my door , knockin me out of my thoughts. Who could that be ?

It could be my mom, because she did say one of these days she was coming to see me. I decided I better put on a shirt and headed towards the door. The smile I had on my face instantly disappeared when I looked through the peephole and saw who it was. There was another more anxious knock on the door and I finally decided opened the door.

"Why are you here?" I said bluntly.



Dun Dun Dun...

Who do you guys think it is?

How do you guys feel about Dewayne?

His mom?

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