Chapter 9

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Before you read...
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! 2015 is over!!!🎉🎉🎉

Emma's POV:
I woke up in bed. The memories of yesterday came flooding back to me. I was now married. I got up and went downstairs, Mary Margret was feeding Neal. She's been trying to get him to eat more solids but he doesn't like them. David and Henry were talking about something in the kitchen and to my surprise, Hook was asleep on the couch.
Emma: "Morning"
David: "Morning"
Emma: "So what are the plans for today?"
David: "Since you are married and no planning needs to be done, we go back to work at 9"
It was 8:15.
Emma: "You do know I get time off for being pregnant"
David: "I'll let that happen when you are 5 months, and your only 1 month"
Emma: "Sounds fair...What's for breakfast?"
Mary Margret: "Sorry, I was busy trying to feed Neal, I forgot to make breakfast"
Emma: "That's ok, I'll make it"
I walked into the kitchen and started to get everything I needed. I decided to make pancakes.
Henry: "Can I wake Hook up?"
Emma: "No"
Henry: "If he's going to be part of this family he has to wake up early"
Hook: "I'm not much of an early bird lad"
Everyone turned to see Hook sitting up on the couch.
Hook: "But I'll try"
He got up walked over to the kitchen.
Henry: "Maybe we should change sleeping arrangements of you're gonna stay here"
Mary Margret: "Actually, now that you brought it up...maybe we should, move"
Emma: "Like buy a new house?"
Mary Margret: "Yeah!"
Henry: "Ya, that would be a great idea"
Emma: "I'm not sure that's a good idea...I mean, we don't need to move and there's not really and place to move"
Mary Margret: "Then we'll make a place"
Emma: "That'll take a lot of time"
Mary Margret: "You seem very reluctant about this"
Emma: "I'm not, I just don't think it's a good idea"
I ran upstairs and shut my door. We can't move!

Hook's POV:
Emma suddenly just ran upstairs. I looked at everyone, they were as clueless as I was.
Hook: "Since no one is asking I will...What was that about?"
David: "More than she says it is"
Henry: "Should I go talk to her?"
Hook: "Well she won't open up if we push"
David: "He's right, I'm sure she'll come around...but don't worry, we'll figure it out"
Mary Margret: "I know but I really want us to be a family, why doesn't she agree?"
Hook: "Maybe it's the moving part?"
Henry: "Maybe"
Mary Margret: "I don't wanna wait, let's go talk to her"
Hook: "Wait, I'll go"
She nodded and I walked upstairs. I opened the door and saw Emma sitting on her bed.
Hook: "You alright love?"
Emma: "Ya, I'm fine"
Hook: "That's another one of your walls"
I sat down beside her.
Hook: "Why don't you want to move?"
Emma: "There's no reason, I just don't think it's a good idea"
Hook: "Another wall Emma"
Emma: "Fine!...I don't want to leave this place, it's home"
Hook: "We'll still be in Storybrooke"
Emma: "Ya, but it's the memories...this is where I stayed with Mary Margret before the curse, this is where I went when I came back, this was always home"
Hook: "Your afraid to leave home"
Emma: "I don't wanna move, I don't wanna leave home"
Hook: "Storybrooke will always be home...but you don't need to worry"
Emma: "I still think it's a bad idea"
Hook: "We can make new memories in a new house"
Emma: "But-"
Hook: "Promise you'll think about it"
Emma: "I promise"
I smiled at her and gave her a hug.
Hook: "I love you"
Emma: "I love you too"

Mary Margret's POV:
David was drinking his coffee at the island. I looked over at Henry who was sorting through papers. I walked over and joined David.
Mary Margret: "I hope she changes her mind"
David: "I'm sure she will"
Suddenly Hook approached us.
Hook: "I talked to Emma"
David: "Is she ok? Why is she upset?"
Hook: "She said they are too many memories here, she doesn't wanna leave home"
Mary Margret: "I understand where she's coming from"
David: "What can we do?"
Hook: "What if only Emma and I moved?"
David: "What?"
Hook: "There would be room in the loft, we wouldn't be leaving this place behind and Emma and I are married"
Mary Margret: "Are you sure? that what you want to do?"
Hook: "I'm ok with it, I just wanna be with Emma"
David: "Did you mention this to her yet?"
Hook: "No, I wanted your permission before I ask her"
David: "I think it's a good idea"
Mary Margret: "Ask her"
Hook: "Ok"
He turned around and went back upstairs. I was ok with staying here, Emma was right...this was home.

Our Love (1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon