Chapter 7

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Emma's POV:
I got up and got dressed really fast. It was 4 days until the wedding. I was really excited. I went downstairs and ate breakfast with Henry and my parents.
David: "Let's do something fun today, all of us together"
Henry: "Yeah!"
Emma: "Ok"
Mary Margret: "But we have to make sure everything's ready for the wedding"
Emma: "Can we do that maybe tomorrow? I wanna enjoy a will be our break from all the planning"
David: "Plus, I'm pretty sure you guys planned every detail"
Henry: "They're right, it'll be fine"
Mary Margret: "Ok, fine...where do you guys wanna go?"
David: "Well, we got invited for dinner at Jefferson's house"
Mar Margret and I looked at each other and laughed.
David: "I said yes, so we're going"
Henry: "Great!...what should we do until then?"
Emma: "Maybe Hook will take us sailing after lunch?"
Henry: "Ya! Call him and ask him"
I turned around to make the call.

Mary Margret's POV:
Emma started calling Hook so we all went to Granny's. We sat at a booth and waited for a waitress to come.
David: "So, is Emma feeling better?"
Mary Margret: "Her temperature went down, back to normal...but she's still nauseous"
Henry: "If she's not sick then why is she throwing up?"
David: "I don't know"
Emma walked into the diner and joined us.
Emma: "He said yes...we are going to meet him after lunch"
Henry: "Yay!"
Then Ruby came and toke our orders. Soon, she came back with our food.
Ruby: "Enjoy!"
She smiled and went back to work. We all dug in.

Emma's POV:
After lunch we got ready. I came downstairs and everyone was in the living room putting their jackets on. Suddenly I felt nauseous again and ran to the bathroom. I flushed the toilet and sat on the bathroom floor. Soon, Mary Margret came in.
Mary Margret: "Hey"
Emma: "Hi"
Mary Margret: "You threw up again?"
Emma: "Ya...I don't know what's wrong with me! I'm not sick, my temperature is normal"
Mary Margret: "The only way you could be nauseous is a flu, an infection or...or your pregnant"
I stared at her. What if I am? It's possible.
Mary Margret: "Emma?"
Emma: "Ya"
Mary Margret: "Judging by your reaction, I'm guessing it's possible"
I just nodded. This can't be right.
Mary Margret: "I'll go with you to get a pregnancy test, we'll meet the boys at the ship"
Emma: "Don't tell them yet, I want to...once it's confirmed"
She nodded and left. Then she came back and we went to the store.
I went in the washroom. After 10 minutes I looked back. There were two pink lines. I was pregnant. Mary Margret came in and saw.
Mary Margret: "Emma, you're pregnant!"
Emma: "I am I gonna tell them?"
Mary Margret: "Together...we'll tell them together"
I nodded and we headed to the docks. David, Hook, Henry and Neal were waiting on the docks.
David: "There you guys are!...what did you need to do?"
Emma: "I'm-I'm pregnant"
They stood there shocked.
Hook: "What?"
Mary Margret: "Turns out that's why Emma was so nauseous"
David was staring at Hook.
Henry: "That's great!"
Hook: "Well I don't think it's a good idea to take you on the ship"
David: "I agree with him, you should wait at Granny's"
Emma: "Ok"
Mary Margret: "I'll go with you"
Emma: "No, I'll be fine...Ruby will be there"
David: "You sure?"
Emma: "Ya, I'm sure"
Mary Margret: "Ok, we'll meet you at Granny's later"
Emma: "Ok"
I turned and walked to Granny's. I sat at a booth.

Hook's POV:
We all got on the ship. I went to the wheel and brought us into the middle of the ocean. I couldn't believe it, Emma was pregnant. With my baby. I noticed David approaching me. How did he feel about this?
David: "Hey"
Hook: "Hi"
David: "So, how are you holding up?"
Hook: "About Emma?"
He nodded.
Hook: "Fine, I'm happy but at the same time scared"
David: "I know the feeling"
Hook: "Are you mad?"
David: "I was, but then I thought about love each other, it should work out"
Hook: "Aye"
David: "But if you break her heart, I'll break you"
I nodded.
Hook: "So, you were scared when you found out Snow was having Emma?"
David: "Ya, I mean your responsible for a human life"
Hook: "That's making me feel so much better"
David: "But then I realized, I wasn't alone...I had have Emma"
Hook: "I know"
He smiled at me and the rest of the trip we were silent.

Emma's POV:
I was sitting at Granny's. Ruby came and said hi.
Ruby: "What can I get you?"
Emma: "I don't know"
Ruby: "How about the usual? Hot coco with cinnamon?"
Emma: "Ya"
She stared at me for a while then left. Soon she came back with my drink and she put it in front of me. To my surprise, she sat down across from me.
Ruby: "What happened?"
Emma: "What do you mean?"
Ruby: "You don't seem yourself, somethings bothering you, what is it?"
Emma: "I'm pregnant"
Ruby: "Really?! Emma, that's wonderful...why are you upset?"
Emma: "Because I don't know if I can be a mom...I never was one"
Ruby: "Your Henry's mom"
Emma: "Yeah, now I'm his mom...but I never raised one"
Ruby: "You know, I know someone who felt similar to you"
Emma: "Who?"
Ruby: "Your dad"
Emma: "You think I should talk to him"?"
Ruby: "It could help"
Emma: "Ok"
Ruby: "And don't worry...your everything but alone"
She smiled and went back to work. Soon everyone came into Granny's. My parents sat across from me with Henry and Hook came and sat beside me.
David: "You okay?"
Emma: "Ya, Ruby and I talked for a bit"
Mary Margret: "So you weren't bored?"
Emma: "No"
She smiled and Ruby came back. She toke everyone's orders and left.
Emma: "So, how was it?"
Henry: "Awesome!...we did a loop around and came back"
After a while I checked the time.
Emma: "Woah! Kid, I gotta get you to Regina's"
David: "We are gonna go to the apartment"
Hook: "I'm gonna head back to the ship"
Emma: "Ok"
We all left and I brought Henry to Regina's. After I dropped him off I headed to the docks.
When I got there, Hook was talking to Smee. I approached them and smiled. Smee walked away.
Emma: "Hey"
Hook: "Hey, I thought you were gonna go back to the loft"
Emma: "I wanted to talk to you"
Hook: "Well, go ahead"
Emma: "How are you feeling about the whole baby thing?"
He smiled.
Hook: "Great!...I'm happy"
Emma: "Really? Your not mad?"
Hook: "Why on earth would I be mad?"
Emma: "I don't know, I've never had to worry about how people would react to this sort of news"
He grabbed my hands in his.
Hook: "I'm happy...I love you"
Emma: "I love you too"
He pulled me in for a hug. We stayed like that for a while until I pulled away.
Emma: "I'm gonna head back to the loft"
Hook: "Ok"
Emma: "Bye"
Hook: "Bye"
I got into my car and drove to the loft.

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