Chapter 11

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Emma's POV:
I texted David to tell him I was heading home. There was no use staying any longer, I mean I did need something to do tomorrow. So I packed up and headed home. I heard my phone go off, it was from David.
David: Great! I'm almost done here, I'll meet you at the loft
I continued walking but decided to stop at Granny's. I opened the door and walked up to the counter, I ordered a hot coco with cinnamon and waited. Suddenly I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I turned around to find a smiling Killian.
Emma: "What are you doing here?"
Killian: "Well, I ran into David as I was leaving Regina's house and I went with him to the "dwarf fight" as he called it"
Emma: "Oh"
Killian: "He told me that you were going home and I figured you might have stopped at Granny's I am!...and I have news"
Emma: "What is it?"
Killian: "I found a house, it's by the ocean it's really nice...that's why I was at Regina's house, I got the house!"
Emma: "Really?! That's wonderful!"
I leaned in and kissed him. We remained that way until someone started coughing behind us. I turned to see Ruby smiling with my hot coco.
Emma: "Thanks"
She smiled and went back to work. Killian and I walked hand-in-hand back to the loft.

Mufasa's POV:
Sarabi: "How do we get to her realm?"
Mufasa: "Oh, we don't have to worry about that...I found a way to get the saviour here in our realm"
Sarabi: "That's great!"
Mufasa: "A curse"
Sarabi: "Mufasa, the whole reason why we need her here is to stop Scar from fulfilling his threat of a curse on our son"
Mufasa: "I know it doesn't make a lot of sense, but it's the only way to bring her here"
Sarabi: "You sure this will work?"
Mufasa: "Yes, sadly it will bring some people from her realm along with her...but it will work"
Sarabi: "Then I support your decision"
I smiled at her and we headed to find Simba and Nala.

Simba's POV:
Nala: "So, are you excited for your birthday ball tomorrow?"
Simba: "Ya, do you like birthday balls?"
Nala: "I love them!...the dancing, the food and all the presents!"
She laughed and started running to my room. I chased after her.
Simba: "Will you be coming to my birthday ball tomorrow?"
Nala: "Yes, I'd love to go!"
She looked outside.
Nala: "It's almost dark, I have to go home...I'll see you at the ball tomorrow"
Simba: "Promise to come?"
Nala: "Yes...promise to save me a dance?"
Simba: "Yes"
She smiled and left the room. I smiled and got ready for bed.

Mufasa's POV:
Mufasa: "Sarabi, I have to tell you something"
She stopped and turned to me. I saw concern in her eyes.
Sarabi: "The price of the curse I'm going to enact is similar to the dark curses price"
She looked at me in horror.
Sarabi: "The heart of the thing you love most?...if you intact it you have to kill me!"
Mufasa: "No! I'm not enacting the dark curse...I'm enacting a different curse, and the price is the blood of the thing I love most, you won't have to die"
Relief swept over her and she toke a breath.
Sarabi: "You need some of my blood"
Mufasa: "Yes, I will enact it tomorrow after Simba's birthday ball"
Sarabi: "Sounds like a plan!"


I woke up and immediately got ready. Sarabi and Simba were already downstairs when I got there.
Sarabi: "Good Morning!"
Mufasa: "Good Morning!"
We kissed and I turned to Simba.
Mufasa: "Are you excited?"
Simba: "Yes I am father!"
Mufasa: "Go upstairs and get ready, make sure you look handsome"
Sarabi: "I'll help you"
She brought him upstairs. I went to visit my father, Ahadi, who has strong magic. I knocked on his door and entered. He was talking with my mother, Uru.
Uru: "Mufasa!"
Mufasa: "Hello mother, I need to talk with father for a moment"
She nodded and left the room.
Ahadi: "Son, what's wrong?"
Mufasa: "I was thinking about this realm the saviour lives in...and you failed to mention that among its residents is the dark one"
Ahadi: "Yes, I didn't say anything because I didn't think it mattered"
Mufasa: "It does matter! I would like to know who else may be entering my realm"
Ahadi: "The only 'dangerous' people are Rumplestiltskin, the dark one...and Regina, the evil queen"
Mufasa: "That's it?"
Ahadi: "They are the only real dangerous ones, and you'll be happy to know that the evil queen has turned over a new leaf...Storybrooke is filled with heroes"
Mufasa: "No one can turn over a new leaf...once evil, always evil"
Ahadi: "That's not true, people can change"
Mufasa: "What if they try to hurt my family? Or my people?"
Ahadi: "Then we lock them up...the saviour cares deeply for these people, she would do anything to free them"
Mufasa: "I need you to prepare...after everyone has left, I will come to you with Sarabi and we will enact the curse"
Ahadi: "I'll prepare everything, you focus on giving Simba a great birthday"
I nodded and left the room. I returned to the ball room that was set up and decorated. Soon guests started arriving. Then it was time for Simba's grand entrance.
Guard: "Presenting Prince Simba!"
Simba walked in wearing a beautiful brown and silver suit. I smiled as he walked down towards the dance floor. Everyone began dancing. I sat at a table near by with my wife Sarabi.
Sarabi: "What's on your mind?"
I couldn't tell her about the dangerous people who may enter our realm, there was no reason to frighten her.
Mufasa: "I'm just thinking about how much our son has grown"
Sarabi: "He's grown up a lot apparently"
Sarabi pointed over to Simba who was dancing with Nala.
Sarabi: "I think someone has a crush"
I laughed.
Mufasa: "You never know, maybe she'll be his future queen"
Sarabi: "Don't get ahead of yourself, they're only 12"
I laughed and wrapped my arm around her.
After a very long night, the ball was over. The last guest had left and we ordered the maids to clean the ball room. We tucked Simba in bed and headed to my fathers room.
Ahadi: "You came!...great, I'm just getting some last ingredients, I'll meet you outside in the garden"
Mufasa: "Ok"
We heads outside and went to the garden. There was already a pot placed with some of the ingredients.

Emma's POV:
The day went by pretty fast. I was in the kitchen helping Mary Margret get dinner ready. Henry and Killian were watching TV, Regina and Robin were playing a game with Roland at the table and David was with Neal in his room.
Emma: "Where's Belle and Rumple?"
Mary Margret: "They had to make a rain check...Belle wasn't feeling very well and Rumple wanted her to stay home and rest"
Emma: "I know how she feels"
We laughed.
Mary Margret: "Me too...I told them that we could have dinner again, maybe after Belle has the baby"
Emma: "Sounds good"
We got back to making dinner.

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