Chapter 4

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Emma's POV:
I woke up on the couch with a blanket wrapped around me. I looked out to window and noticed it was dark outside. Henry!. I jumped up and was about to run to the door when I heard a voice coming from the kitchen.
Henry: "You okay?"
Emma: ", how did you get home?"
Henry: "Grandpa came to pick me up, he said you fell asleep"
Emma: "Oh"
Henry: "You ok?'ve been tried a lot lately"
Emma: "I'm fine, I just...I don't know"
Henry: "Are you sleeping ok?"
Emma: "Yes, you don't need to worry about me"
He nodded and picked up a plate of food and sat at the island. I got up and went into the kitchen.
Emma: "Where is everyone?"
Henry: "Grandpa went for his night shift at the station and Grandma and Neal went to Granny's, Granny needed them to help her out with food choices.
Emma: "How long ago did they leave?"
Henry: "About 30 minute ago"
Emma: "oh...well then, what do you wanna do?"
Henry: "I don't know...I've just been hanging around"
Emma: "What time is it?"
Henry: "7:35"
Emma: "wow! long was I asleep?"
Henry: "I don't know but I kinda wanna call you sleeping beauty"
Emma: "Don't"
We laughed and I turned on the TV. We watched some movies on Tv until my parents came home. Mary Margret immediately put Neal in his crib and started making dinner.
Emma: "Hey"
David: "How are you?"
Emma: "Fine, you know you could've just woken me up"
Mary Margret: "No, it's fine, we were happy to do it"
David: "You were asleep for a long time though"
Emma: "I know, I don't know why but I was really tired today"
Mary Margret: "Maybe it was just a slow day"
Emma: "Ya, I guess"
We ate dinner then started watching a movie. Soon, the movie ended and we all went to bed.

Sorry the chapters are really short. I've been trying to make them longer.

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