Chapter 20

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Emma's POV:
After dinner Killian and I went into the library. He sat on one of the chairs and invited me to sit with him. I sat on his lap and rested my head on his chest.

Killian: "So, baby names?"
Emma: "Well, I was thinking for a boy Liam"
Killian: "Like my brother?"
Emma: "Yeah, but only if you want to"
Killian: "Of course!...I think it's a good idea"
Emma: "And for a girl?"
Killian: "I kinda like Eva, Skye or Bella"
Emma: "I like them"
Killian: "Did you have any ideas?"
Emma: "Well, I kinda like Elizabeth, Lily, Olivia or Julia"
Killian: "They're pretty, but I think we should decide on a name"
Emma: "I don't know, they're all pretty"
Killian: "I agree"
Emma: "How about we decide on a final name when the baby is born?"
Killian: "Ok, but I do not want to leave our baby nameless"
Emma: "We won't"

He nodded and we looked over to the fireplace. I enjoyed this moment.

Regina's POV:
I finished getting ready for my date with Robin. I put on a red dress that ended at my knees and put on a bit of make-up. I heard a knock on the bedroom door. I opened it and found Robin wearing black leather pants and a fancy white t-shirt.

Regina: "Wow"
Robin: "You look amazing"
Regina: "So do you"
Robin: "You all ready to go?"
Regina: "Yes...where are we going by the way?"
Robin: "You don't wait for surprises, do you?"
Regina: "I'm curious"
Robin: "Ok, follow me"

We headed out the castle and into the woods. It was dark so we brought a lantern. Then we stopped near a meadow with some grass.
Regina: "What is this place?"
Robin: "Well, Killian and Emma found it, I asked if we could spend our date here"
Regina: "It's beautiful"

We sat down in the meadow and enjoyed the night. We talked and laid down together for a while before we had to go. We walked back to the castle and we went to bed. I enjoyed every minute of it, and after the whole Mufasa and Scar thing, it was nice to relax and have fun.

Emma's POV:
Eventually Killian and I decided to go to bed. It was getting late and I was tired. We left the library and started walking to our room. Once we got into our room we climbed in bed. I moved close to Killian and wrapped my arms around him. He did the same to me. Then I feel fast asleep.

I woke up to a baby crying. I got out of bed and noticed a crib in the corner of the room. I ran over to it and found a baby crying and reaching its arms out to me. I was about to pick the baby up when I heard strange laughing coming from behind me. I turned around but saw no one there.

I jumped up. I was sweating and panting. I looked around the room, no one was here. Killian luckily didn't wake up. I looked into the corner of the room, no crib. Suddenly I saw a shadow coming from outside the balcony. I noticed the balcony doors were open. I got out of bed and closed them. What a strange dream, I guess it was just a nightmare. I went back onto the bed and laid down.

I couldn't get over that dream, it was truly terrifying. I decided to forget it and go back to sleep. So slowly I closed my eyes and fell back to sleep hoping that I wouldn't wake up scared again.

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