Chapter 5

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Hook's POV:
I woke up immediately, tonight was my date with Emma and I wanted to make it special. So I started setting it up and planning it out.

Emma's POV:
I was really nervous, yeah Hook has brought me on a date before but he was clever and romantic, I didn't know what to expect. I knew it was going to be great so I got dressed and went to work. I still hasn't picked out what to wear, I didn't know where we were going. I sat at my desk at the station and started some paper work, the day went by fast.
Soon, it was time to go and get ready for my date. As I was in my room ripping through my closet my mom came in to join me.
Emma: "Hey"
Mary Margret: "Hey, what's wrong?"
Emma: "I don't know what to wear"
Mary Margret: "Well let me help you pick something out"
She walked left the room and I followed her. David, Henry and Neal all went to the park for a bit, so it was just us.
She pulled out a black dress, it was beautiful.
Emma: "It's gorgeous! Where did you get it?"
Mary Margret: "I know what your closet looks like, and I knew you were gonna have trouble picking out what to wear, so I bought this for you"
Emma: "Thanks mom!"
I hugged her and toke the dress and went to put it on. We picked out a pair of black heels and diamond earrings to go with it. Mary Margret did my hair and makeup and soon enough, I was ready.
Emma: "Thank you so much! I don't know what I would have done without you!"
Mary Margret: "Thank me by having fun tonight!"
I smiled then I heard a knock on the door. I opened it revealing a very handsome Hook. He was wearing a navy blue button-up shirt with a black leather jacket.
Hook: "You look-"
Emma: "I know"
He smiled at me and walked in. When he noticed my mom, he smiled at her.
Hook: "Where is everyone?"
Mary Margret: "At the park, I'll be joining them soon"
Hook: "I thought David was going to have an overprotective dad speech for me"
Emma: "Well he doesn't, and we should get going, come on!"
We smiled and said bye to Mary Margret and left the apartment. We started walking down the street.
Emma: "So where are you taking me?"
Hook: "Somewhere nice and quiet"
Emma: "Where?"
Hook: "You'll see"
We walked a little more and soon I realized we were walking towards the beach. As we got closer I noticed a blanket set up with two wine glasses, a bottle of wine and a picnic basket.
Hook: "A picnic on the beach!"
Emma: "It's amazing!"
He smiled at me and we walked to the blanket. I sat down and he joined me.
Hook: "Wine?"
Emma: "Yes please"
He poured us some wine and handed me a glass. I sipped some and looked out at the beach.
Emma: "It's so beautiful"
Hook: "I know, every night while my crew was asleep, I would stand on the main deck and look out at the ocean"
I smiled at him as we continued drinking our wine.
After a while Hook moved in front of me. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring. It was gold with a diamond in the middle. I couldn't breathe.
Hook: "Emma, you make me so happy...I love every moment I spend with you...I love everything about you but nothing would make me happier than being able to call you my, Emma Swan, will you marry me?"
I stared at him for what seemed like a long time. I started to tear up.
Emma: "Yes!...Yes I will!"
He smiled brightly and kissed me. Then he pulled away and put the ring on my finger. I smiled at him, we were engaged. Soon, it started to get late. Hook invited me to spend the night on his ship. So we headed to the docks. We went into the captains cabin.
Hook: "You need something to wear"
Emma: "Oh, I didn't think about that"
Hook walked over to a chest and pulled out a shirt.
Hook: "It might be too big on you but it's all I've got"
Emma: "It's fine"
I walked over to the bed and started to change. Hook, surprised by this, smiled. I was about to put the short on when hook walked up to me and kissed me.

Mary Margret's POV:
We were walking home from the park. We had spent most of the night with glow-in-the-dark sticks at the park, Henry had a blast. David was carrying a sleeping Henry and I was carrying a sleeping Neal. Once we were inside the house I put Neal in his crib and David put Henry in his bed which he shared with Emma. I sat on the couch and turned the TV on. Soon, David came and joined me.
David: "Do you think this is a good idea?"
Mary Margret: "Ya, I love watching movies"
David: "No, not that...about Emma and Hook"
Mary Margret: "Oh David...yes, I do think it's a good idea...he loves her, and she loves him"
Hook had come to us while we were busy one day and asked for our blessing. He even asked Henry too. We all agreed and said yes, but we weren't allowed to tell Emma. As much as I was dying to tell her, I stayed silent.
David: "I just don't want Emma to he hurt"
Mary Margret: "She won't"
He smiled at me and I kissed him on the check. We continued watching the movie until we both fell asleep.


I woke up on the couch. I heard David and Henry talking in the kitchen. I sat up and walked over to them.
Mary Margret: "Good morning"
Henry: "Good Morning"
David: "Emma hasn't come home yet"
Mary Margret: "She's with Hook"
David: "Ya, he said he'll have her home by 8:30's 8:35"
Mary Margret: "Calm down, I'm sure they're on their way here right now"

Emma's POV:
I opened my eyes and the first thing that came to my mind was that I was on the Jolly Roger. Then I remembered everything from last night. I got up and started collecting my clothes and putting them on. As I zipped up my dress, Hook woke up.
Hook: "You alright love?"
Emma: "Ya I gotta get home"
Hook: "What time is it?"
Emma: "9:15"
Hook immediately jumped up.
Hook: "I was supposed to bring you home at 8:30"
Emma: "Oh god, I gotta go"
Hook: "Ok, I'll see you later"
Emma: "Yes"
I leaned in and kissed him.
Emma: "Bye"
Hook: "Bye"
Then I quickly left the Jolly Roger and headed home. I walked in to find my parents with Henry in the kitchen.
Emma: "Hey"
David: "Emma! Where were you?"
Emma: "With Hook, he purposed to me!"
Mary Margret: "We know! I'm so happy for you guys!"
She gave me a hug. When she pulled back I questions her.
Emma: "How did you know?"
David: "He asked us for our blessing, all three of us"
I smiled.
Henry: "So you said yes?"
Emma : "Of course!"
I smiled and showed him my ring.
Henry: "Congrats!"
Mary Margret: "Congratulations!"
David: "Congratulations!"
Emma: "Thanks, I gotta get ready to get down to the station"
Mary Margret: "Ok!"
I went to my room and changed into jeans, a white tanks top and my red leather jacket. I came back downstairs said goodbye and left. I got to the station and started doing paper work. It was hard to focus cuz I was thinking about last night, Hook had purposed. We were engaged. I smiled and continued to work.

*4 months later*

Emma's POV:
Emma: "You want to plan a wedding in 3 months?!"
Mary Margret: "it's not as crazy as it sounds"
Emma: "Actually it's more crazy than it sounds"
Hook: "Not exactly"
I turned to Hook.
Hook: "Well, I can see her motives"
Emma: "Ya but that's not enough time"
David: "Well, I agree with Snow...if you are determined and motivated, then I think you guys can do it"
Mary Margret: "And I have some ideas"
Emma: "Of course you do"
Hook: "Let's hear her out"
Emma: "Ok, and if we can't plan it in 3 months we'll have it later"
Henry: "If this is complicated now, I'm scared for the actual wedding day"
We all laughed.
David: "Our wedding was great! Besides the fact that Regina threatened to cast a curse that would take everything we love, it was great"
Emma: "Ok, I said I would try it your way"
Mary Margret: "Alright! Great! Let's start by picking the place"

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