Chapter 8 (1)

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*Wedding Day*

Emma's POV:
I woke up early to start getting ready. Today I was going to marry Hook. I went downstairs to find Mary Margret and David making breakfast. Henry was on the couch watching TV.
Emma: "Morning!"
David: "Morning!"
Mary Margret: "Emma! Good Morning!"
Emma: "I don't think I have time for breakfast today, I wanna head to the forest and see how it looks so far"
Mary Margret: "Ashley and Belle are already there"
Emma: "Ok, bye"
David: "Bye"
I left the loft and headed to the forest. It was beautiful. Belle and Ashley were hanging up lights. I looked over to where the tables were and saw Hook setting up. I said hi to Ashley and Belle and walked over to Hook. He saw me coming and smiled.
Hook: "Hello love?"
Emma: "Hi"
He gave me a quick kiss and picked up more candles.
Emma: "You know Mary Margret offered to set up"
Hook: "I know, I wanted to help"
Emma: "Can I help?"
Hook: "Sure"
We put candles at every table and started lighting them. It looked beautiful.
Emma: "Are you nervous?"
Hook: "A little, but it's going to be great!...we're getting married"
We kissed. This time for a long time. Suddenly we heard someone fake coughing behind us. We turned to see Belle.
Belle: "Alright love birds, you will have enough time to do that later"
We laughed and followed her back to the isle.
Emma: "I should get going, Mary Margret wants we to get ready with her"
Hook: "Ok...I'll see you later"
We kissed and I headed back to the loft.

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