Chapter 6 Metamorphmagus:

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Chapter 6 Metamorphmagus:

         Snape P.O.V:

                         I was wondering why Nicole’s hair was pink. Was it, was she a metamorphmagus. It looked as if she was. It wasn’t cause of the potion she was a metamorphmagus. “Ok focus think of something you love”, I said to her.

          Nicole P.O.V:

                         I thought about it hard I thought about Harry, my mum, and dad. My hair turned purple. Everyone was staring at me like they were surprised. Then my hair was regular, it was burgundy. Then I caught Draco and Blaise arguing it was kinda funny to watch. I wonder what they were arguing about. Just then my hair turned a confused yellow. Oh well I would never know.

           Blaise P.O.V:

                           All that I did was suggest to Draco that I hang out with Nicole. Because well you know she was Snape’s daughter so most people avoid her. Plus, I kinda may like her. Did I just think that?!?!?!? But, she is a Gryffindor. I am a Slytherin. We are meant to be enemies. Maybe Draco is right, me and her probably can’t even talk, to her I am probably just the enemy. I doubt we will ever be friends.

           Draco P.O.V:

                         Why is it that Blaise wants to be friends with Nicole? She’s a Gryffindor! She changes her hair color! WAIT! She changed her hair color. To yellow? Wait why yellow? Why is she looking at me and Blaise? Did she hear us? Why am I so paranoid? I wonder does Blaise like Nicole? Oh that would be the day.

                “Hey Blaise. Do you like Nicole? Because you sure seem like it. You know with you wondering if you could be friends.” ,I said.

                 “No! I don’t like her.”, he exclaimed. Oh well I guess he doesn’t like her. So much for that theory.

                     Nicole P.O.V:

             I try to focus all my energy on getting blonde hair. When I get my hair blonde I then get my eyes to turn grey.  With my new look I go up to Draco. I then say…

                     “Hey Draco look at me.” I say. He slowly turns around with shock registered all over his face finally he says something.

                  “Um why do you have blonde hair and grey eyes?”, he asked.

                 “Really Draco you don’t see the resemblance? We could be twins. Well except I’m actually nice and polite and well you are none of those you are rude, mean really the list goes on and on but I will stop there. Oh and I can change my appearance with a thought, while you are stuck looking like that.” I told him ,you could see the shock on his face after the last words I said registered.

                   “Mudblood.” ,he muttered. Did he just call me that?

                    “Malfoy, what did you just call my daughter?”, dad asked.

                     “Nothing Professor.”, Draco says. I should probably keep him from getting in trouble if I at least want to try having a friend in a different house. Hum….. should I?

                    “Is that true Nicole?”, my dad asks me. Now everyone in the class is staring at me wondering if I will tell on Malfoy or not.

                    “Yes dad, it’s true. He just told me I should probably find another metamorphmagus to help me learn how to control it.” I lie calmly. How do I know how to lie?

                     “ I’m a metamorphmagus to.”  a 1st year Gryffindor whose name I think is Kitty replies. Wow I was lucky on that one. Potions then ended and all of the other classes went by surprisingly fast. No homework which I was grateful for. I had just finished my food and had exited the great hall when I heard a voice

    “Nicole wait up.” I then turn around and see him….what did he want?                       

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