Chapter 10

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"What do you mean I caused this?" Jareth yelled.

"You brought Sarah to the underworld when my queen was dying." Luna told him.

"Its not my fault that Sarah wished Toby away, at the time." Jareth told.

"But it is your fault that you made Hoggle give me the peach that put me asleep. and when I was asleep in one of your crystals I passed over their territory and became their next queen!" Sarah screamed just as the wind picked up.

Jareth put up his hands in surrender.

"Sarah is the queen of the High Guard Elves. By the way, that should have answered your earlier question. If your dad wants to meet Sarah he as to talk to me. Sarah is still under going training for being the new queen." Luna told Jareth.

"Alright." Jareth said.

"Sarah calm down. I think we need to head to the High Guard Kingdom." Luna told Sarah.

Sarah nodded.

Luna grabbed Sarah's hand. Sarah offered Jareth her hand. Jareth reached for Sarah's hand. Just as Jareth touched Sarah's hand the room started to spin.

Sarah returns to the Goblin KingWhere stories live. Discover now