Chapter 2: Back at Base.

Start from the beginning

“Glad of you to join us Deox.”Rush snarled.

“Glad to be here Rush. Its a pleasure as always.” Deox replied

“Enough where is Void and Clanktrap?” The question directed towards Voice.

“Void and Clanktrap will be here soon, then the meeting will start.” Voice said

Deox drooped down sulking he hated waiting while Amp was patting his back. The scene witch two adults were doing looked like small children Amp and Deox together were a dangerous duo as when they met up they would revert from serious combatants to children only wanting to one up the other. Voice sat looking at them with a slight smile with her glowing red lipstick lips she always found Amp and Deox funny together but would rather eat mud than confess it. Rush just stood more and more annoyed at the both of them. Voice raised her hand to her temple.

“Ah OK, It looks like Void will be twenty minutes.”

“OK everyone is dismissed for now be back in twenty minutes.” Rush announced.

Everyone got up from their chairs and made their way to the door. Deox and Amp were laughing at something they whispered to each other. While Voice elegantly walked out as for Rush he sat down and just waited. In the hallway Voice had already disappeared among all the panic of the hallway. Amp and Deox were walking towards the other end a good five minutes away.

“So, jokes aside you were in a serious situation back their. Its unlike you”

laughing nervously Deox replied “Yea I know, it was unreal the amount of Heth that appeared. I lost so much energy doing all my fancy moves to”

“Just remember the fact that your ability is unique doesn’t make you unstoppable all power ability users like us have draw backs. Mine more obvious than other peoples.”Amp felt his face with a little sadness in his face.

“Yea Yea enough Talks who do you think you are anyway Baal?”

They both laughed and walked off into the narrow hallway of chaos.

Sitting in a rather small room a blue old couch in the corner with a rusty old TV and radio opposite it sat Apprentice. He was covered in bandages and had a pained bored expression on his face. His blue baggy jeans had a slight spatter of blood on them, black blood. His sword was in its scabbard only a arms length away from him. This was always the case as it made him feel at ease. A taping at the door before it opened. Apprentice spun round to see Deox standing at the open door, his coat buttoned up hiding all his injuries and the mask that hid his face.

“How ya feeling then Apprentice?

“OK I guess apart from the whole nearly dying thing that kinda sucks.”

“Happens to the best of us? Did I ever tell you the time I got these scars?” Rubbing his gloved black hand over the masks hiding his other eye.

“NO are you going to?”


“Then why mention it?”

“To get your hopes up and cheer you up”

“But it didn’t cheer me up”

“It did for the fraction of a second you were going to learn about my battle scars. No?”

“Yea I did but that’s not the same”

“Yes it is. Now go put a top on,a bandaged torso is something ugly to look at believe me I have put plenty of people in them.”

Apprentice grunted a little that Deox had told him what to do but then now was not the time to fight. Deox went over to the TV and looked at it.

“Dam its been along time since I just sat down and watched TV you know that.”

Exiled Chronicles - Purge War.((Book 1 Done)) (Book 2 Progress on Hold))Where stories live. Discover now