007. Rankings

66 1 3

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“Are you going to help me look for them?” I purred gently, trying to be somewhat alluring. I needed all the help I could get. “Please and thank you?” I pleaded. I needed Aoi's help---he knew the environment and surroundings here. Just wandering about by myself was asking for trouble.

“I’m sorry… I… can’t do anything on my own, although I would be honoured to accompany you.” Aoi responded softly, looking miserable and forlorn.

“What are you talking about? You can do whatever you like.” I insisted. He slowly looked up at me and shook his head.

“No. Akai and I simply follow orders.” He responded quickly. “Well, actually, I do. You see…”

His eyes flickered anxiously to the side, almost like he was making sure we were alone in the room. Just what exactly was going on here?

 “Yes…?” I urged, waiting for him to continue in anticipation. He sighed softly as he sat down on the sofa. The lights dimmed and the maids rushed out of the room.

“Master Aoi, your help is needed.” A frail-looking lady scurried into the room, breathless. “Master Akai is already well on his way. Rest assured that we will protect Mistress Asagi.” She insisted, her voice slightly trembling. I frowned.

“Like I said, Asagi is---”

“Alright, I entrust you, ma’am. I shall take my leave immediately.” Aoi addressed formally and coldly. With a final, miserable smile towards me, he grabbed a suitcase and scampered out of the door, slamming it behind him.

I sat there, bewildered, for several silent minutes. The maid bowed to me before she spoke.

“Miss Asagi. Is there anything I may do for you?” she asked me, stuttering. I scowled. Her gently expression turned to fright. “If I displease you… you may use physical force to relieve yourself…!” she shuddered violently, as though preparing herself for impact.

I raised a hand and she squeezed her eyelids even more tightly together as though bracing herself. I flicked her gently on the forehead. With a strange spark of hope in her tearful eyes, she gazed up at me like an abused child.

“Don’t be ridiculous. Violence isn't going to solve anything.” I scolded her. I didn't even want to imagine what kind of working environment she had been living in… poor thing.

“But you could do me a favour, if you don’t mind.” She clamped her hands together and fell to her knees in absolute adoration. It was a little overwhelming.

“I have never been talked to with such kindness. What favour do thee ask of me?” she asked poetically. I studied her. Would I be able to trust the information she provided?

Thick-framed glasses were perched on the end of her nose, and her lilac-coloured hair was tied tightly in a ponytail. Her innocent grey eyes looked back at me patiently.

There were two things I absolutely wanted to know at the moment. However, one, more than the other, was driving me absolutely wild with curiosity.

“What is the Seventh Moon?” I asked quietly, trying to sound unsuspicious and hide my intrigue.

“A band of seven members attempting to take over the royal kingdom.” She answered sweetly. Her display of absolute indifference to the group was a little frightening.

“Who are the seven members?” I demanded. She blinked, looking at me hesitantly.

“Why do you need to know?” her voice grew soft. I shrugged, unsure myself.

“I don’t know. When your buddy, err, Master Akai…”---I almost gagged---“mentioned it to my companions, they were quite disturbed. I can’t help but feel nostalgic by the group itself, too.”

“Is that so?” She replied, raising her eyebrows.

I could have sworn her voice had gone completely shrill. I pinched myself. Had I been drugged or something? Why did everything seem so strange and off here? An after-effect of the fruit, possibly?

“Master Akai and Master Aoi are very secretive about those matters. The name of the organization is little known, actually, and is known mostly by royalty and elite security. But if it sounds nostalgic to you, Miss, then surely, that is quite bizarre." She explained, biting her lower lip.

That didn't sound good.

"Although my knowledge of the organization is not complete, I have some rough knowledge of it, I suppose. So I apologize in advance if my information is unqualified and illegitimate.” She dipped her head slightly.

She placed a finger to her lips. “All that I am aware of is that the members are numbered by their power-levels, especially because Master Akai wouldn’t stop complaining about the fact that the other members had been boasting about their own rankings. I would imagine that the lower the number, the more powerful the person, correct?” She explained. I pondered for a moment.

That made sense… so a ranking of '2' would be better than a ranking of '5'.

“What number are Akai and Aoi, then?” I pressed.

She looked startled for a moment as she awkwardly rustled her bangs.

Undetectable: 6 & 7.

“They are numbers six and seven.” The maid and I said in unison. She stared at me.

“How did you know?” She asked, wide-eyed as she giggled. "Although they are supposedly the weakest of the group, to imagine how powerful the other members are…" She shook her head. "Frightening."

“Violet, how is Miss. Asagi?” a female voice asked within the darkness. The maid stood up firmly and sturdily. She gave me a final polite nod and marched towards the door where the voice had been. She whispered something at the doorway and the door swung open, and she walked in. I sat on the couch in the retro-styled room.

It was completely silent… and dreadfully boring. There was a bowl of candies on the table, of various colors and sizes, but to go and eat one… after that experience with the fruit, I had to be suspicious of a few things around here.

Talking to Violet, (who I now know was the name of the maid), was wearisome, peculiarly enough. I lay silently on the couch, staring up into the ceiling. A light pitter-patter sound fell from the window, and as I suspected, raindrops trickled down the flawless glass.

The familiarity of the rain was slightly comforting, but made me feel lonesome. Akari would usually be frantic and buzzing, screaming about lightning or thunder, or something of the sort. I sat up and ruffled my hair once more. My hair was barely up to my shoulders, and it had been more than halfway down my back before.

My stomach growled. I could hardly believe I was hungry at a time like this.

I repeated the words Violet had said through my mind repeatedly, but something remained… off. Although we had both said Akai and Aoi were numbers six and seven, the more I thought about it… the more off it seemed.

I closed my eyes, envisioning the scene carefully through my head. Akai and Aoi disappeared at the same time. But if I was correct, Akai did seem stronger than Aoi, but they appeared at the exact same time. I scratched my chin thoughtfully.

Was it possible… to share a number? That was the only possible way for them to disappear in unison and not consecutively.

And if that was the case… then who exactly was number seven?

Had someone been watching us from the shadows?

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