006. Angel

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“Miss, how are you feeling? Have you awoken?” I heard a voice ask gently.

I fluttered my eyes open, my consciousness returning. I rolled over; examining the room I was in. Everything was very charming, and was completely covered with decorative beads. There were silk couches with beads dangling over the drapes that hung across the seats. The drapes had small beads dangling at the end of the curtains, and etcetera.

It was pretty cute... although I’d probably trip over everything if I lived here.

Fumbling for something to push myself up, I felt a warm hand wrap around my back and I was pushed up against someone’s shoulder for support. I peered up, only to meet the gaze of bright blue eyes, staring at me.

“Aoi...” I whispered breathlessly. “That’s you, right?” I smiled feebly. His eyes lit up, surprising me a little.

“You remember me then, Miss. Asagi!” he exclaimed. Miss? Weren't we the same age? Why was he talking to me like some sort of important person? I giggled, watching as his cheeks flushed.

“Of course I do, silly. But mind telling me where in the world we are?” I murmured.

The room almost seemed to pulsate with good vibes. It gave off a 'mellow' sort of feel, and even though I may be in danger, I felt relatively at peace in my surroundings.

He set me against a soft and luxurious feeling cushion and smiled sweetly at me. He then pulled a small beaded string and a light turned on. The lampshade looked like it was made of a velvety and rare material, and it emitted a warm, comforting glow.

I blinked for a moment, a strange feeling arising in my gut. Something seemed to be… missing.

I reached for my neck, only to feel nothing.

Wait a second. Nothing?

"What happened to my hair?" I demanded, my eyes widened in shock. Aoi laughed uncertainly, rubbing his head nervously as his gaze shifted to the ground.

“Well, um, when you fell, it got caught up in some twine, and…” he stammered.

"Great." I sighed, my head falling back onto the couch. How many years had I been growing out my hair?

“You’re such a wimp. It's just hair, stupid woman.” I heard a voice mock me smugly. I twitched for a moment, irritated as I recognized the voice.

“Akai, don’t be so ruthless.” Aoi scolded. Akai appeared from a curtain to the left, still wearing the same haughty smirk on his face. As our eyes met, he suddenly grinned and whistled flirtatiously.

“Hey, it's pretty cute, considering it's you we're talking about." He snickered. I wasn't exactly sure if I should have felt flattered or annoyed. Probably annoyed though, considering it was this supercilious jerk we were talking about.

“It's a nice improvement." He snickered, passing me a thumbs up before vanishing from the room. If he had stayed any longer his face would have meet my fist. Too bad.

As he left, a high-pitched voiced suddenly squeaked in delight. A girl emerged from behind the cabinet, tripping over herself and landing in the arms of another maid who had caught her.

“Master Akai just complimented me!” she swooned. Her voice was overflowing with pleasure and gratitude. “I am eternally grateful, Miss. Asagi!” she bowed towards me. I laughed uncertainly.

What eccentric people. But at least they seemed fairly friendly.

“Miss. Asagi, would you like something to eat?” the maid asked me. I shook my head.

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