I nodded in relief, thanking the heavens I was being saved from the disgusting options. It wasn't like I would be taking this garbage home. Plus, Gavin was an intelligent, good looking guy, and a great escape.

As we walked, Gavin seemed to have something interesting to say about everything, and I had to laugh multiple times. I don't know why, just the way he says things I find hilarious. What's weird though, is even while he says goofy things, his voice is so luscious and he appears to be so laid back and, well, smooth. Especially for a supposedly 'boring accountant.'

"I don't recommend getting the Philly cheese steak," Gavin leaned down to discreetly murmur in my ear.

I raised my eyebrows, peering into his piercing blue eyes. "And why not?"

He let out a breath and said "It may just be a conspiracy, but word on the street is that anyone who eats the Philly cheese steak later pukes it all up. Or they have bad luck for a year. I can't remember exactly which. It might be both."

I chuckled, "Do you believe it?"

"Hell yeah! I'm not arguing with the street rumors of New York!" I rolled my eyes at his fear and we stepped up to order.

"I'll have the pulled pork sandwich and a side of fries," Gavin ordered and looked to me to put in mine. I gave him a smirk.

"Philly cheese steak sandwich please," I asked with a wide smile.

Instantly, the whole place froze and I heard a piece of silverware hit the floor. The cashier stared at me for a solid ten seconds blankly before punching in my order.

Do the employees here even believe that conspiracy? Wow.

I shrugged and pulled out eight dollars for my sandwich, but Gavin pushed my hand back. "Nah, it's my treat," he winked.

I raised my eyebrows, "I really don't mind paying."

He rolled his eyes and handed over the proper amount for us both. "Yeah me neither."

I lightly bumped his shoulder as we left the register, "Well thanks."

He nodded, "And are you crazy? Why would you order the sandwich of superstition?!"

I shrugged with a smug grin, "What can I say, I'm a dare devil."

Gavin rolled his eyes, "Why don't you find a table and I'll grab the sandwiches." I nodded and did as he said.

As we ate, we didn't exchange a lot of words. I started to zone out as I took in the incredibly delicious taste of my Philly cheese steak, and Gavin threw a couple of French fries at me. I ate them, of course, and even dipped them in his barbecue sauce.

"I can't believe you're actually eating that," Gavin stated as he stared at me with amusement.

"It's so amazing! Next time we come here, I'm definitely getting it," I said dreamily. Gavin's face noticeably lit up. Was it something I said?

"Hey do you like baseball?" Gavin randomly asked after took a huge bite of my sandwich. I gulped it all down, with hardly chewing.

"When I was younger I would always go to my best friend's games. I haven't been to one in ages though," I answered, referring to the hundreds of Will's baseball games I had attended over the years.

Oh great, here comes all flashbacks again of me riding my bike across town to watch his little league games, or catching a ride with his family to go to the town over and watch, or when I'd even drive Will to his games so I could psych him up beforehand. I don't know how I possibly did that, but he always told me that talking with me before games made him feel more equipped to play.

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