Chapter 4: The Ceremony

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"Your mother wanted you to wear this." He handed me the beautiful silver ring that I saw in her "memory closet". "Why would she want me to wear her wedding ring?"

He shrugged. "Princess... just wear it."

I smiled and put it on my finger. "Shall we?" Aiden said and pushed me forward. I batted him away and tried to walk like a Queen.

Bryce whispered in my war a few seconds later, "We're going to go out to the front so we won't get in trouble for being here."

I nodded and walked towards a girl who was waving me over. "Princess! Hurry!" She then pointed to a door and I walked through. Suddenly I saw people. Millions and millions of people. I gasped. I would have never guessed how many people were in the Ice Kingdom.

They cheered and shouted. Then everyone became quiet when I stepped into the light. The girl that showed me the way appeared and spoke. "Lydia Ann Flake. The beloved Queen Coralie is very sick and have handed over her role of Queen to her oldest daughter Lydia. All hail Queen Lydia! Long live Queen Lydia!"

The crowd repeated after the girl that followed me on stage and then they all cheered and raised there hands in the air.

Beautiful bursts of ice and snow exploded in the air and I gasped. "Whoa..." I said. I saw Aiden in the crowd bursting beautiful purple light and everyone was staring at him like he was wearing a clown wig and had snakes coming out of his ears.. Bryce on the other hand didn't do anything but stand there and look amazed.

I laughed and curtsied Snow fell into my hair and eyelashes and I blinked them away. Then the girl whispered, "Bend down."

I bowed my head and she placed a beautiful ice crown with dazzling designs and carves on my head. Then everyone cheered again and then the ceremony was done. Time for everyone to meet the new Queen.

Aiden and Bryce ran up to me laughing. "That was awesome!" Aiden bowed and I hit him in the head.

"Stop that! Enough people are already doing that." They stood by me while a giant line formed and one by one people came up to meet the Queen.

"Your Majesty..." A tall man said to me. "What are these two... people doing here? They... are not from the Ice Kingdom."

"Oh. Them? Their my friends that I met in the forest when I was coming back here... sort of."

The man looked at me weirdly then turned to Aiden. "I saw your power when you shot it into the sky. Can I see it again?"

Aiden put his palm out and a purple light flickered across it. The man stepped back and nervously smiled at me. "There's a rumor where you can do different powers. Mind you give a show?"

I nodded and walked to the middle of the stage. "I will put this rumor to a rest." I raised my arms and the light dimmed. A murmur rippled through the crowd but most of them thought someone turned down the light for effect.

I turned the lights off fully and there were many gasps but not much. I suddenly grew my ice wings and flew above them. Lightning shot around the room. Pure energy lit up the room in sparks. Then the lights came back on and they all saw me flying.

More gasps and a couple of claps.

Then I slipped into the shadows. Many people screamed. "Where did she go?" I heard the girl ask a servant and he shrugged.

I appeared on stage then gone. Behind the girl. Scream. Gone. It was fun torturing everyone like that. Aiden was laughing because he knew what was going on but Bryce didn't.

His eyes darted around to find me like crazy. I appeared above him and he couldn't find me so I tapped him, grabbed both of their arms and dragged them into my thin layer of shadows.

I shushed them and crept back to my room. When I threw open my doors and flopped on my bed, Aiden was laughing like crazy and Bryce was gasping.

"That was great Lydia! They must be freaking out right now." I laughed and high fived Aiden. "You should have seen their faces. They were all like," Aiden made the most ugliest scared face ever.

Bryce stared at me. "What the... what just happened?!"

I whispered creepily, "Magic." and Aiden burst out laughing again.

Bryce looked at his own hands. "Can I do that?"

Aiden looked at me. "Well... since you're in this world then yes. You can do something at least. We just don't know what yet."

He nodded and sighed. "I hope we find it soon."

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