Chapter 20

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After getting ice cream, we went to Amy's house and she talked about Matt and their first date.

But now, we're watching the fourth movie we rented, Tangled.

"If Flynn Rider was real, I would kidnap him and put him in a tower to keep him all to myself," Amy sighed.

I chuckled, "You said the same thing about Prince Eric from Little Mermaid."

"They're really goo-" she was cut off by the sound of keys and the front door opening.

"Honey, I'm home!"

"Is that-"

"Tyler!" Amy ran to the front door and jumped into his open arms.

Tyler unwrapped his arms from around Amy but she was still clinging onto him. "You should let me go now, so that I can hug my favourite person in the world."

"But you are hugging your favourite person in the world!" Amy stated, pulling herself away from Tyler.

He hugged me the moment Amy jumped off him. "How's my favourite person in the world?"

I couldn't help the giggle that escaped my mouth, "I'm good, now that you're here," I winked just to piss Amy more.

He hold on me tightened before letting me go. Tyler's like a big brother I never had. He would protect me just like he would protect Amy and I love him for that.

When he let me go, he received an earful from Amy about her not being his favourite person.


"You told us you were gonna to come home three weeks ago!"

Tyler nodded, "Yeah, I did."

"Then why are you here now and not three weeks ago?"

"Surprise...?" He said sheepishly, scratching the back of his head.

"Tyler," Amy said using her Mom voice, putting her hands on her hips and tapping her foot. It always used to work with Tyler before he went to college.

"Ah, alright alright," he groaned. I guess it still works.

"I went to uh, my..." he trailed off.

"Your what?" I could sense Amy getting impatient. In fact, I was also getting a little impatient.

"I took a detour and turned to the right and then took a left and another left- wait no, a right. Yeah, I took a right then a left and a right and maybe anoth-"


"Huh what?"

"What aren't you telling us?"

"Uh, t-that I maybe, possibly, probably, have a friend that's a girl and we're exclusive so that'll make her my exclusive friend girl! Oh yeah, that's exactly what she is. My exclusive friend girl! And I stayed with her for the past three weeks instead of.. Coming home.." Tyler explained.

"You mean a girlfriend, Tyler? You took this long to tell us that you got a girlfriend?" I asked.

At the same time Amy asked, "And why were you at her house for three weeks instead of coming home?"

"Because, my little baby sister-"

"Don't call me that, Butthead."

"Her parents were in England with her grandparents," Tyler continued, disregarding Amy's interruption. He turned to me before continuing, "And I took long to tell you guys because well, don't you kind off, uh, like have a teeny tiny crush on me?" Tyler's voice went a little high and his cheeks were tainted pink.

Amy and I look at each other and burst out laughing. We were practically rolling on the floor laughing our asses off. (Yes, we did rofl and lmao at the same time.)

"Ty-Tyler, you're really f-funny," Amy said still giggly.

He pouted, "What? Am I not a hot piece of meat that you would like to get your hands on, Avery?"

This made us laugh again and it only made Tyler more annoyed. He left and went up to his room, making us laugh more at his childishness.


"You're the reason she died. She killed herself because she's embarrassed to have you as a sister. If I were in her position, I would've killed myself too, that's why your dad hits you and your mum is as good as dead. They're better off without you," she spat menacingly at me in a small voice, almost like a whisper. 

"A-Amy, you d-don't mean that," I tried to plead, tears streaming down my face.

"I meant every fucking word I said," she took a step towards me. "You shouldn't even be alive. You don't deserve to live after what you did to her."

She was now right in front of me, just a few inches away. Her eyes were hard and cold as she sent me a smirk.

I felt a cool sensation of metal being pressed against my stomach, looking down, a sob escaped me when I saw a gun. I looked back up, tears streaming down my face, shaking my head.

"Any last words? You know what? Forget it, I don't care."

The sound of the gun going off and me screaming, rang through my ears.

"Avery, it was a dream. You're here, you're okay."

I held onto Tyler so tight, scared that he would disappear and I would be left alone with my thoughts. I buried my face into his chest as he kissed my forehead, telling me everything was okay.

Sweat slicked my skin, making strands of my hair stick to my face. Tears wetting my skin even more. I was beyond terrified of my dream. I bawled my eyes out, because I was actually scared of Amy right now. I knew that it was dream, it felt too god damn real.

Hugging Tyler closer to me, possibly cutting off his air circulation but I needed this, I needed his comfort to take away the pain I was feeling.

After several minutes, I let him go. I pulled the blankets to my chest and tried to even my breath out, sniffling occasionally.

"I-I'm sorry," it was all I could say.

"Don't be. I'll always be here for you. God forbid but, even if I got shot in the stomach, you know that I'll still want to comfort you." He said, hugging me again.

"Yeah, thank you. But, I'll need you to go the hospital if you really did get shot, okay?" I knew he wanted to ask about my dream but he knew I did not want to talk about it. He always knew how I felt, no matter the situation.

He nodded and patted my head. "Sleep, lil' one. I'll be right here, to make sure the monsters under the bed don't get to you."

"Thank you Ty, I love you."

I wanted to ask him if he save me from the monsters in my head, but that'll be asking for too much.


please know that I am truly sorry for not updating for so long.... but I hope that you enjoyed the chapters 😋
hehe thank you for reading & I appreciate you!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2016 ⏰

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