He simply dodged and was about to strike me down, but Ion had slipped behind him and had used his Mind Transfer Jutsu. We had now "defeated" the enemy.

"Now, where's the scroll?" said Ion in the enemy's body. I called my bugs back.

"Well?" asked the inpatient Ryou, appearing from the woods where he had taken a temporary hide with Ion.

"A second!" said Ion while searching in the mans pocket. He scowled at Ryuo, but his back was showed to Ryuo so Ryuo didn't react to it.

"Ah, here it is. Uh, just the scroll we need." said Ion a minute after with a triumphant smile on his lips. He gave the Earth scroll to me and jumped into the trees to make sure the enemy was as far away as possible. Soon after the real Ion woke up and rise from the ground.

"Ha, piece of cake!" he said cheerfully, proudly placing his hand on the hip while the other were bent to show his non-existent muscles.

"We're not done yet, we still need to get to the tower, fool." said Ryou.

"Then let's go." Ion said, still with the smile on his face. Not even Ryou's mood could bring him down now. And then Ion ran off without the rest of us.

"Wait for us, Ion!" Ryou yelled and took off after the exciting Yamanaka male. I followed next, silent as ever.

We managed to keep up with him, even though he had a head start. Soon the tower came to my view.

"The tower..." I said in a low tone.

"All right, almost there. Come on, let's hurry up!" said Ion and speed up.

"We can't go any faster, you fool, or else Shinju won't be able to keep up." Ryou said and glared at the back of Ion's head.

"Oh, right." Ion said, slowing down again.

Even though Ryou was a fool and didn't care for anyone, he always makes sure his team can keep up with him. Sometimes I wonder why he cares so much about me and Ion. For him we were just losers, people who shouldn't allowed to be a ninja. Maybe because we are his tickets for him to become a chunin. That's probably it.

We now stood at the edge of the tower and we could see doors all the way around. They all had a paper on them, a seal now that I looked closer.

"Do you guys thinks there could be a trap somewhere?" asked Ion, searching for the supposedly trap.

"It is possible." I answered.

"Let's just go in, we don't have any time to waste." said Ryou. So he opened the door and entered. Nothing happened. Ion and I followed shortly after.

"Hey, there's nothing here." said Ion and looked around in the almost empty room.

We were inside a large room with two balcony on each side of the room. There were decorations as well and light. At the end of the room, far off the ground, hang a plate with some writings on.

"Look, there's a plate." said Ryou and pointed to the opposite wall just as I was about to say it.

"Great, what does it say?" asked Ion.

"I think we are supposed to open the scrolls." I answered. I quickly skimmed over the writing and true enough, it says we're supposed to open the scrolls, just in a more discreet way. I didn't expect less from the ways of Konoha.

"What, but the proctor said that if we did, we'll fail!" Ion said frighteningly.

"If we open the scroll, not the scrolls." I said matter-of-factually, emphasizing each word individually.

¤Fly On The Wall¤ A Kiba Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now