Chapter Thirty-Four - We Got Our Man

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That night, I ran down the stairs at the sound of someone knocking on the front door.

"I'll get it!", I shout.

I open the door and Brianna stood before me. I gave her a big smile which she didn't return, instead her expression is one of pure fear.

"I don't think I can do this Angel", she says softly while shaking her head slowly.

"It's going to be okay", I try to reassure her. She nods and enters the house, taking it all in.

"Angel, who's at the-", my mom walks towards me but stops when she sees Brianna, " Who is this?"

"This is Brianna, Brianna this is my mom", I introduce them to each other. My mom immediately goes stiff and her curious expression turns into one of anger.

"The one who bullied you?", my mother asks.

"Wait, she-", I try to speak but get cut off.

" Angel, why is she here?"

"Mom, she's Stephanie. She was forced to bully me"

"She's who?", she looks at Brianna with big eyes.

"She's Stephanie. She came today because she's gonna tell me what she knows about my memories and everything", I explain. 

"Let's talk together in Angel's room", my mom starts to walk away and we follow behind her. When we get to my bedroom we sit on my bed in a small circle.

"You've grown so big, I can remember when you were still playing hide and seek in our yard", my mom chuckles.

"Time does fly", Brianna chuckles along with her.

"Shall we get down to business?", I ask.

"Sure", they both reply.

"Brianna, tell us what's going on", I say gently.

"Well, I got this phone call, a week or so after your incident at the party, the caller threatened me to do what he says or he will kill my family.", Brianna starts, her voice shaking, "To even prove he was serious, he kidnapped my parents and are holding them captive, even now. He told me I had to bully you so you don't remember your memories. I had to dye my hair, get contacts and change my name. From what I know and I saw, it seems like he's doing some kind of project. I don't know what it is and what's it's purpose. I don't even know why he is targeting you. He also told me to keep this all a secret or he will kill my family including me and maybe even kill you. That's why I didn't want to tell you all of this."

"Who is 'he'? Have you ever seen him?", my mother asks.

"Yeah, I did whenever he wanted me to do something. He has these beautiful blue eyes, like Leo's but his hold pure evil and mischief. He also has black hair. I never saw the rest of his face, he always wore a scarf or something to hide the lower half of it"

"He's the mystery man", I say softly," Do you know his name?"

"Only his eyes", Brianna shakes her head. I can tell she is scared about tell me all of this.

"Is there anyone else involved or being threatened?", my mom questions.

"Yes. Carter and Stephanie. Carter was threatened, I don't know about Stephanie. If you ask me I think she is willingly helping out"

"Why do you think so?", I ask.

"Stephanie asked us to help her with the big boss' secret project, she even asked Carter"

"I really wonder what this secret project is", my mom whispers.

"Me too", I say.

"Thanks Brianna", I express my gratitude, especially since I know she is afraid.

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