Chapter Twenty-One- This No More Child Play

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I should have told Leo but I wasn't sure, now look at where I put us. I felt his eyes on me when Leo and I were walking to the cafe, but I said nothing. Every time I looked back I saw no one so I just shrugged it off but this happened more than once. I should have told Leo something, maybe then a man with a knife wouldn't be approaching us.

I look the mysterious man in the eyes, not knowing what else to do, as I stood frozen in fear. His eyes warn me not to say anything. It isn't like I have a choice anyway! I can't even bat an eyelash! He continues towards us while he puts his knife away and pulls out something else. A piece of folded paper.

"Angel? Are you ok?", Leo asked.

"Y-yes, just don't turn around", I stutter, not taking my eyes off of the mysterious man. I know not telling Leo what is going on is probably gonna put us at risk but my gut is telling me I'm protecting Leo by doing this. I don't know from what, but it feels right.

The man's pace picks up as he sharply turns in the other direction just as he was about to stand right behind Leo whose shoulder I was looking over, dropping the note the same time. I watch him as he exits the cafe and walks away, not looking back.

I gently push Leo from in front of me, curious about what could be on the piece of paper. I walk towards it and pick it up before unfolding it. My eyes run over the words as I inhale sharply:

Find the pieces to your puzzles because I'm coming soon.

The part that confuses me is that he put puzzles instead of puzzle. There couldn't possibly be more than one mind puzzle to complete right? Even if I'm not sure about that, one thing I'm sure about is that this is more serious than we thought it was.

"Leo we need to go to my house. Now.", I says sternly, leaving no room for questions.


I open the door to my house and let Leo in before speed walking towards the kitchen where I knew I would find my mother. Hopefully my dad came home from work early today.

"Mom?", I shout as I make my way to the kitchen.

"In the kitchen, Honey!", my mom shouts back. Just where I thought she would be.

I enter the kitchen, grabbing Leo's hand before gently pulling him beside me so that I could introduce them to each other.

"Mom I'll like you to meet Leo. Leo this is my mom", I say. My mom stops stirring the food in the pot on the stove before turning with a wide smile.

"Oh my've grown so big! How have you been all these years?", my mom embraces Leo and he returns the hug.

"Quite good! How have you been, Aunt Stacey?", Leo smiles widely as he pulls away from the embrace.

" two know each other?", I ask confused.

"Of course! He was your best friend when you were little. You two were practically inseparable before he went to live in New York at nine years old", my mother responds as she returns to the pot on the stove.

"I haven't exactly told her everything", Leo chuckles lightly.

"Oops my bad! Well, why don't you start now", my mom gives him an encouraging smile.

"That's a good idea. Mom after you are done with dinner, Leo and I really need to talk to you", I say.

"Sure, honey", my mom replies.

I hold Leo's hand before gently tugging him towards my bedroom. I open the door revealing the lilac walls of my room and sit on my bed, motioning for Leo to do the same.

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