Chapter Thirteen- Mind Puzzle

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~I'm so sorry for the late update :'c I kinda forgot my computer somewhere and I only got it back just now! So sorry :c I really hope you like this chapter! Vote, comment and share! Follow me if you want to as well :D Hopefully I can make you laugh or something xD I'm pretty corny, I can't tell a joke to save my life but I'll see what I can come up with! ....'s time forrrrrrr.....the chapter! x3~

I have nothing to wear!  Why did he ask me only yesterday?!  Now, I have to wake up early and find something to wear.  It's Saturday,  I don't wake up so early on a Saturday!  For crying out loud it five o' clock in the morning, what kind of ungodly hour is that? 

I huff out a breath of frustration as I refrain from pulling out my hair and going bald.  I pull out random clothes with half-lidded eyes and go to the bathroom to take a shower.  I strip off my clothes and turn the water on, screaming out as the cold water hits my tired body.  I quickly adjust the water, clean my body, shampoo my legs and- wait....shampoo my legs? I look down to see shampoo all over my legs.  I'm so out of it right now and it's all his fault! I wash off, hop out of the shower and get dress, eyes still half- lidded and mind hazy.  

I stumble down the stairs, almost falling in the process, towards the kitchen.  Just as I'm about to enter the kitchen my legs decide to go another way causing me to face plant into a wall.  I groan , rubbing my head, startled when a voice comes from beside me.

"You ok?", Leo asks.

"I'm fine but why are you in my house?", I slur, still not fully awake.

"I came to pick you up, but uh...I don't think you're ready..."

"Well, since someone woke me up at five in the morning! What do you expect?", I exclaim, throwing my hands around.

"It's five in the afternoon", he laughs.

"It is?  Well...blame Spongebob for keeping me up last night!", I continue to the kitchen.  Last night I stayed up to one in the morning watching Spongebob but who can blame me?  Spongebob is bae!

Leo simply shakes his head at me, finding my antics amusing before entering in the kitchen as well, "Oh and do you know what you are wearing?"

"Clothes?", I arch an eyebrow at him.

"Interesting style", Leo cocks his head to the side.

I look down at my clothes and stare horrified at the sight.  I am wearing a strip shirt, a polka dot skirt, a pair of different color, high socks and neon orange sneakers.  Now, wide awake I dash back up stairs and change.


"Reach back further! What kind of shot is that?! Leo focus!", I yell as Leo throws the ball at the bottle on the stand.

"I can't focus with you yelling at me!", Leo yells back, feeling the pressure.

"Ok fine, but only for the unicorn's sake.." I clasp my hands together, praying that he wins this time.  This is his 25th turn.  I need that unicorn!  I asked Leo to let me try but he insisted on doing it himself, talking about how the man should be the one to get the girl the prize.  Boys and their pride.  

Yesterday Leo asked me to the Carnival since it started three days ago.  I agreed and now here we are trying to get a stuff unicorn prize from one of the Carnival games.

I bite into my caramel apple nervously as Leo picks up the last ball.  It's one those epic moments when the person throws the ball, all eyes are on the ball and he....missed.  I let out a sigh of defeat before patting Leo on the back, telling him to give up. 

As we walk around looking for something else to do, I spot a teddy bear.  All of a sudden images flash through my head, almost knocking the air out of me.

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