Chapter Twenty-Nine- Harmony

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~Carter's P.O.V

The plan worked just how I wanted it to. I know I shouldn't have taken her contacts but it's for the best. Brianna needs someone and that someone is Angel. Maybe my decision wasn't the right one but she'll thank me later.

I stick my hand in my pocket and feel the plastic of Brianna's contact case, whistling as I start to walk home from school but stop when 'Stephanie' steps in front of me.

"What do you want?", I ask.

"Let's make a deal", she crosses her arms, with smirk on her face. Just standing there she gives off an evil aura which makes my body go stiff.

"Why would I want to make a deal with you?"

"You need something and I want something"

"You don't know anything about me"

"Oh, but I do"

I narrow my eyes at her, "Tell then, what do I need?"

"To find your mom"

My face pales. How could she possibly know that? Not even Brianna knows that.

"How do you know I'm adopted?"

"As I said I know a lot more than you think. I can help you if you help me"


~Brianna's P.O.V

I look around for Carter but I can't find him.  I keep looking until I find him by the school car park exit .

I approach him with a wide smile until I notice someone else.  I squint my eyes to see who it is. My breath is caught in my throat when I realize it's the girl who is pretending to be me.  I slowly continue making sure they don't hear my footsteps.  I still remember when she tried to make a deal with me this morning:

"Hey Brianna, wait up!", someone says from behind me.

I look over my shoulder, my hair whipping sharply to the other side.  I see Angel's friend approaching me with a smile on her face.  I wait impatiently for her to finally come beside me.

I look forward again,"What do you want?"

"I need your help", her smile slides off and a smirk replaces it with malicious spark in her eyes.

"With?", I say cautiously, not taking my eyes off her in case she tries to do something to me.

"I know you work for the big boss cause I do too"

"So?", my face pales and my face becomes stone at hearing the words 'big boss'.

"You and I both want the same thing.  If you help me, I'll help you"

"And what is it that I want?"

"Freedom. Help me and get it.", 'Stephanie crosses her arms.

"I rather be dead and gone before I help you. I've got myself way to deep already", I hiss.

"You're not even curious about what I need help with?", she presses on.

"What do you want help with?", I ask curiously.

"Help me finish the big boss' project then we'll all be free"

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