Chapter Eighteen-Trying to Crack the Riddle?

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~Still in the process of looking for the perfect pic for Angel~

~Hey there :D I'll like to dedicate this chapter to Nykhaila, who is always asking for an update xD And who also threatens to kill me if I don't and cherish_jada_ , my lovely friend who give me hugs and have her hair on fleek all the time x3. Thank you for your support! :D I hope everyone loves this chapter, remember you still have a chance to get a dedication just comment and vote. Now to the story... :D~

~Angel's P.O.V

I finally leave the stall after school finishes and I slowly walk down the school hallway feeling no emotions...I just feel numb. I absent-mindly push open the door to exit the school and start on my journey home. Leo's concern face when he stopped me from falling enters my mind. I feel something wet on my cheek and wipe it away only to realize that I am crying. Regret and guilt sprouts back into the pit of my stomach as silent sobs rack through my body. I thought that after a whole day of crying that I wouldn't have anymore tears left, I guess I was wrong.

The feelings of regret and guilt get so overwhelming that I stop walking and squat on the sidewalk, not caring that people might see me. I cover my face with my hands as my cries become uncontrollable. I wish I could reverse time and not lash out on Leo. I need him right now but I bet he wants nothing to do with me. When he was trying to look out for me, I acted like a spoilt brat and I regret it so much.

I wipe my face with the back of my hands even though my tears haven't stopped and continue walking.


My tears have stopped now but every minute is agonizing as I do homework on my bed. I hear a knock on the door and I get up numbly to open it. On the way my mom stops me.

"Honey, it's gonna be ok", she whispers, giving me a sad smile. When I got home I was a hot mess, my mom saw my tear-stained face and I had no choice but to tell her what happened between me, Leo and Chase.

"I hope so", I say back softly before continuing towards the door. I open it and gasp as I see who it is.

"Leo?", I say hoarsely, still surprised that he showed up at my door. Leo says nothing before pulling me in a hug. I automatically wrap my arms around him, I missed his warmth.

"I'm sorry", I mumble into his chest as tears prick my eyes.

"It's ok", he whispers," I'm sorry for being so insensitive too"

I pull away from his hug and give him wide smile, the only emotion I can feel now is happiness.

"Friends?", I ask.

"We never stopped being friends", Leo smiles before his smile turns into a smirk," but for all the trouble and stress you put me through I deserve some food"

I chuckle and invite him in, "Deal"


Finally my friendship with Leo is restored! I have never felt happier in my life! Wait...actually I feel happier when I eat....Anyways, thats not the point here. I skip into school and greet Leo with a broad smile, " Hey Leo-boo"

"Sugar Plum", he smiles in acknowledgement, " Nice outfit"

I look down at my outfit, I am wearing a pair of dark blue high waist shorts, a dark red, long sleeve polka dot top and a pair of dark red flats. My hair fall down in dark curls on my shoulders and lip gloss coat my lips.

"Thanks" , I reply, blushing a little.

"Looking like an angel like always", a someone says behind me. I turn around to come face to face with jerk-face Chase. That name suits him perfectly. I deserve a reward.

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