Chapter Ten- Clowns? No, Thank you

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~~~Please read Author's Note at the end of chapter!~~~

I turn around and guess who I see.

No one.

Talk about awkward moment. 

I'm so sure I heard someone.....

I suddenly hear movement in the bushes to my left and I look that way only to see no one again.  Movement sounds from my right, but when I look...nothing.  Oh my gosh, this was getting annoying and being hungry isn't helping my irritation.  Before I could think another thought, three figures jump out of the bushes with clown masks covering their faces.  Since I will probably be eaten in a few minutes I think I should just get it out there....I HATE CLOWNS!  Even that was an understatement for my hatred for clowns.  I don't only hate them, but I have a phobia of clowns so right now I'm on the verge of having a panic attack.

My breathing becomes heavy and quick as my heart rate picked up.   My hands tremble at my sides and I feel tears prick my eyes as breathing becomes a hard task.  I hear voices laughing in my head as the three figures slowly walk towards me.  I take a shaky step back, but being the clumsy person I am, I fall on my butt.  However I feel no pain because my whole body goes numb with fear, I quickly scramble back on my feet.  My body shakes violently as the laughing in my head becomes louder and the figures get closer.  It only takes one word for me to break:

"Boo", the person in the middle says quietly as a scream leaves my mouth and liquid runs down my legs.  The figures laugh clutching their stomaches as a wet spot appears between my legs.  The person in the middle removes his mask and let's just say I shouldn't be surprised for he is the prank master, but I am.

"C-Carter?", I stammer.

"Y-yes?", he mocks, still laughing as a light flashes in my face causing my eyes to squint in protest.  N-no, no, no, no this can't be happening....I look behind Carter to find his best friend, Chase (also known as my crush), and Frank with phones in their hands laughing their butts off.

Faster than lightning, I run away.


White...That's all I could see....plain,old white....but the more you look at it the more you see in see it's purity and life is like that, however only for the plain part....there's nothing interesting about my life.  All it has is hurt and pain...and since no one likes pain there aren't much people in my poor excuse of a life.  Hmm, I never thought a ceiling could make you think so deep. 

Stop it! Think positive thoughts,Angel!

How am I suppose to think positive when I probably just lost my only friend,  got humiliated and most likely will get killed for speaking back to Brianna!

 "Angel!", my dad calls.

"Yes?!", I roll on my stomach turning my eyes away from my white, bedroom ceiling.

"Come down for a second!"

"Ok!",  I roll off my bed, landing with a thud when I hit the floor and lazily walk down the stairs.  I step down the last step and come face to face with my dad.

"Follow me", his serious tone makes me uneasy as I follow him to his study.  The study is where he does his work or whatever important stuff he does.  It's very spacious with bookshelves lining the walls that overflow with books, a big desk in the back of the room crowded with papers and a sitting area which consisted of two sofas, a coffee table and a flat screen television.

"What's up?", I ask when we sit down on the sofa.

"What's going on?", he asks.

"What do you mean?",  I ask ,confusion evident on my face.

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