There Is More To Me - Prologue

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The sound of the gun goes off but I feel nothing.  Something warm soaks through my pants causing me to look down immediately.  My eyes meet a pool of blood on the ground and on my clothes.  No, this can't be happening.  Tell me this is all a dream.  I look into her eyes as they slowly lose their brightness.  Why did she protect me from the bullet?

"Why did you do that?", I whisper, my bottom lip starts to tremble as I rest her head on my lap.

She swallows as sweat beads her forehead and touches my cheek with shaking hands while smiling weakly, " Because....I'm sorry.  This is how I will repay for what I did to you.  Forgive me..."

Her voice starts to fade and her eyes start to close as I shake her body to try to keep her awake.

"Wake up, please!", I scream as tears run down my cheeks.  I keep shaking, not knowing what else to do," You can't leave me!"

She doesn't respond or opens her eyes.  Instead her hand that is on my cheek slides down back to her side and her breathing becomes shallow.  I hug her body not caring that the  blood from her stomach is soaking my clothes and rock back and forth, bawling.

"I forgive you...", I whisper in her ear.

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