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"You do?" I looked at Liam confused. 

"Yes." Liam sighed. 

"Oh, I'm sorry Liam. But I'm with Louis now." I looked at Liam. 

"It's fine." Liam stood up. "Lets go we have to leave soon." Liam and I walked inside to the others. 

"You okay Liam?" Louis asked looking over at us as we walked inside. I sat down beside him and Liam shook his head yes. 

"Well you guys ready to leave?" Simon asked standing up. "We have to go get the girls stuff before we go." Everyone stood up and the boys got their things and we walked out to the limo. We got in and went to Simon's house. Sophia went to her room and packed and I grabbed my things and put them in the limo. After about 30 mionutes Sophia finally came down with her sutff and got everything in the limo and got in. 

"What took you so long?" I asked looking over at her.

"Why do you care?" She rolled her eyes and sat back in the seat. 

"So where is our first stop in the US?" I asked looking at the boys. 

"New Mexico!" The boys shouted. 

"Sounds fun. When do you guys go to New York?" I looked at the boys. 

"In about a month." Liam smiled. "Why?"

"My foster mom lives there and I was thinking about visiting her when we get in New York." I smiled a little.

"Lame. Who would want to visit her?" Sophia groaned. 

"I would!" I glared at her.

"Aww how sweet. You can totally do that. Want me to go with you?" Louis asked looking down at me.

"Sure, she would love to meet you. Infact all the boys can come. My baby foster sister would love to meet yall. She is a big fan." I smiled. 

"Sounds fun! We can do that when we get in New York. We have that first day off." Harry smiled. 

"Yay!" I laughed a little.

"I'll pass on that." Sophia rolled her eyes putting in her headphones. When we got to the airport we all grabbed our things and got on the plane. I sat beside Louis and Liam, Sophia sat beside Zayn, and Harry and Niall sat beside Simon. 

From Liam:
You can't tell Louis. He will go off again and hate all of us again.

To Liam:
Neither can you! 

I looked over at Liam who was sitting beside me. Him and I have been texting most of the flight about him liking me. 

From Liam:
Just forget I ever told you

To Liam:
How can I? I'm glad you told me how you feel. You just told me at the wrong time.

I pulled out my headphones and plugged them in and started to play some One Direction. There was a lot on my mind right now and One Direction is the only thing that can help me think straight. 

From Liam:
I know. I feel stupid for telling you. 

To Liam:
Why? You shouldn't

From Liam:
Because I always end up getting hurt and this is just another one of those times. Me expressing my feelings to you was the most stupidest thing ever. I feel horrible now because you are dating Louis and I probably made things awkward between us. 

I stared at the text for a little bit before answering it. I had no clue on what to say. 

To Liam:
Maybe we could've had something, but Louis was there first and I just can't do that to him. You are a very sweet and amazing guy but I really like Louis and he really likes me. 

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