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"Uh, what?" I asked looking over at Zayn making sure I understood what he said. 

"Nothing." He smiled. "See you downstairs." He got up and walked downstairs. 

I walked downstairs and walked into the kitchen where the others were. "Where's Louis?" I asked looking around as I walked in. Everyone shrugged.

"ABIGAIL!" Louis came from behind me and tackled me. 

"Hi Louis." I laughed and looked up at him. 

"Hello." He was very close to me.

"Uh," I laughed a little. He laughed and stood up off of me and helped me up. "Thanks." I laughed and sat down at the bar. "So, what are we doing today?" I grabbed a water bottle and took a sip from it. 

"The boy's have an interview then they have the rest of the day off." I smiled as Simon walked in the room. 

"Lets go boys. Want to come girls?" The boys said standing up and looking at us. 

"No, I'll pass." Sophia said rolling her eyes. 

"I need to get my online school work done." I smiled looking back at the boys.

"So does Sophia." Simon cut in.

"Whatever," Sophia went upstairs and into her room. 

"We'll see you later!" The boys all waved and ran outside to the limo. I got up and went to my room and walked over to my desk. I sat down and started doing my homework for my online classes. 

I opened my emails and checked some emails. I had one from Mrs. James. I opened it up and read it. 

'Hey Abi. Just wanted to check on you and see how it is in London and how Sophia is doing? Everyone misses you.'

I smiled and thought for a minute on how I should describe what it is like here. I clicked the reply button and typed my message.

'Hey, London is nice and guess what? Simon Cowell adopted me and I met One Direction.. Sophia has been her usually self. I miss you too.'

I closed my emails out and started on my school work. I finished my work within the hour and went back downstairs. 

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