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I walked into Simon's office and stood in the doorway. "Hey Abi." Simon said turning around looking at me. 

"Hi." I waved.

"Did you finish your school work?" 

"Yes sir." I said leaning against the door frame. 

"Thank you. What about Sophia?" I looked at him.

"I don't know. Want me to go check on her?" He looked up at me.

"No I will. Go have fun." Simon smiled.

"Okay. I'm going to the mall. Bye Simon!" I smiled and grabbed my sweater off the hook and walked to the mall. I walked around looking for a job I could apply for. I found one and walked into American Eagle and got a job application. "Thank you." I filled it out and handed it back in. I walked to the food court and got some lunch. 

After I finished eating I went and did some shopping then went back home. I walked to my room and sat my things down. I looked at the time then turned on the TV and watched the boys interview. I missed most of it. "So boys, Simon has two new adopted daughters. Do any of you fancy them?" All the boys looked at each other. My attention was brought to the TV. 

"They are sweet girls and have their own personality. I only think of them as sisters" Liam said smiling. I laughed and kept watching the TV. "What about you guys?" Liam asked looking at the other guys. 

"They both are pretty cool," Harry said. "I would have to say I would like to date Abigail." I saw Louis tense up. Was Zayn right when he said Louis likes me?

"Aw Harry." The interviewer said. "What about you Niall, Louis, and Zayn?" She asked looking at them.

"Abigail is nice but she isn't the type for me. I think she is just more of a sister. Now Sophia she is cute, smart, and I love hanging out with her." Zayn said blushing. 

"Awww." The crowd said. The boys looked at Zayn and smiled. 

"Aww little Zaynie poo has a crush." Harry teased. 

"No I don't." Zayn said. Everyone laughed and all went back to the question. "Niall what about you?" 

"I agree with Liam. They are both sweet girls, but they are more like my sister. Abigail is nice and caring and Sophia she is just not my type." Niall said laughing. I couldn't help but laugh.

"They both sound like very sweet girls." The interviewer said crossing her legs and leaning back. "So Louis." Louis drew his attention to the interviewer.

"Yes?" He asked. 

"Do you fancy any Sophia or Abigail?" 

"Uh, Yeah." He mumbled.

"Oh Who?" The interviewers eye brows shot up and all her attention was on Louis. All the boys turned towards Louis. 

"Abigail. Ever since I first saw her I began to grow a crush on her. She is nice, caring, beautiful, smart, funny, and she doesn't care that we are famous. She treats us like normal people. She is talanted." Louis blushed and looked down then back up.

"She sounds amazing. You should ask her out." Everyone agreed with the interviewer. A big smile grew on my face. 

"I don't know if she will say yes. I'm afraid of gettig turned down." Louis said.

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