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"Yeah, I'm fine." I said standing up mad and dragging Zayn into my room. I shut the door behind us and locked it. "She won't give you a chance."

"It's fine. Just forget about it." Zayn said looking down.

"No. You are an amazing guy, she just needs to notice it." I said walking over to him and lifting his chin up. "I have a plan." His attention caught mine.

"What is it?" He looked at me curious. 

"You need to win her over. Do something special for her." A little smile grew on Zayn's face.

"Like what?" He asked. 

"Something to show her how special and nice you are." I said smiling. 

"Any ideas of what?" Zayn said sitting down beside me on the bed. 

"Hm send her on a schavenger hunt and at the end you have like a picnic set up?" I suggested. 

"Um sure." Zayn smiled. 

"When do you want to do it?" I asked getting a notepad and writing down the details. 

"Tonight?" Zayn suggested. "It can end at the London Eye and we have the dinner set up in one of the capsols of the London Eye." 

"Sure!" I agreed and wrote down everything. "Okay go to the London eye and set things up! I'll get the schavenger hunt set up!" Zayn stood up and got things straight for dinner. 

"Bye!" He waved as he left. I got up and got some paper and wrote things on them and set them out at places. I walked to the London Eye. 

"Everything is set up." I smiled. 

"Thanks for the help." Zayn smiled and hugged me. 

"No Problem. Now I should get back to the house." I said and walked back to the house. "Sophia!" I shouted."

"What?!" She shouted back.

"Something came in the mall for you!" She came downstairs and took the mail. I handed to her and smiled. 

"Who the heck would send me something?" She said opening it revealing a dress. She pulled out the note inside and read it. 

"Pretty." I smiled looking at the dress. 

"I'll be back later." She went to her room and changed in to the dress and started the hunt. 

To Zayn:
She is on the way now!

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