Kiss Me

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"Kiss me."

I stare at him, confused.

"A-are you sure? There is nothing else you want?" I ask.

"It's either that, or you have to.... Urm.... " Ian pauses. "It's either that or you have to hug that old man over there." He points over to an old man sitting on a bench.

"I'll hug the old man then." I smile.

"Urm. You can do that. It's the rules." Ian smirks.

"But you said I have to either kiss you, or hug the old man. I'm going to hug the old man." I say, confused.

"I was joking. Now, do you want me to get off you or what??"

An idea pops into my head.

"Ian.. I need to pee." I say.

"Can't you hold it?" He replies.

"Nope." I say, popping the p.

"Urgh. Fine. I'll get off. But you owe me." He gets up and I run away. I don't really need to pee.

"Lia! The toilet's that way!" Ian yells.

"Joking! I don't actually need to pee. Can't believe you fell for it." I stop running and laugh. Ian walks over to me.

"So... Are you going to go back into the hall or what?" He asks.

"Depends on how I feel." I reply.

"How do you feel?" Ian asks.

"Like not going into the hall."

I see a figure walking over to us. As it comes closer, I can just make out that it's Anthony.

"There you guys are!" He says, out of breath.

"Hello to you too, Anthony." I say.

"I've been looking everywhere for you guys. And Lia, mom needs to talk to you about something." He said. I said bye to Ian and go to see what Mrs Padilla wants to talk about. I hope it isn't anything bad. Like, I can't go to university because Australia has had a snake epidemic.

I open the door, and try to find Mrs Padilla.

I find her in the kitchen, on the phone.

"Yes. That would be more easier. Okay. I'll hand you over now, she's here." Mrs Padilla hands me the phone. "it's the principle of the university your going to."

"Hello?" I say into the phone.

"Hello Lia, it's Mr Dawsons, the deputy headmaster of Boxdon." A strong Australian accent says. "If I'm correct, we were meant to see you two months ago, in January to sort out some information, but it seems that you never turned up."

"Oh... I forgot. You see, I live in California, so it's kind of hard to get to Australia and back every now and then." I admit.

"Well, okay then, that's fair enough. We are hoping that you will be able to join the university at the end of the month, so we can get you settled in before the academic year begins. Is that okay?" Mr Dawsons says.

"Hold on a second." I cover my hand over the speaker. "He wants me to join at the end of the month." I whisper to Mrs Padilla. She nods in agreement. "Hello? Urm, yeah, that should be okay." I say to the phone.

"Good good. Remind me what you are studying again."

"Drama, music and art."

"Good choices. We are known for our music courses. So, we are looking forward to meeting you at the end of the month. Goodbye, Lia."

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