First Impressions

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Why him? Why not that geeky looking boy at the front?! 

I sit down and look at my timetable. Art first. I'm okay at art. Room 30. Should be close by. I hope.  

"Oi. Lemme look at your timetable." Whispers Anthony. I pass him it and he looks kind of annoyed. 

"Same lessons as me. Great!" 

"That's what you get for adopting a smartass!" I smirk. The bell rings and I follow Anthony to art.

Turns out that I am pretty good at art.  

After art, we have science. I have always bunked science, but I'll go for the first couple of times.  

"Hello Lia. I am Mr Henderson. Please sit next to Hailey. The girl in the corner." The teacher says.

First impressions, she's a goth. 

"Hi. I'm Lia!" I say happily. 

"Hailey." She replies. 

"Girls! Be quiet!" Mr Henderson shouts at us. We learnt about the lungs and windpipe and learning all the insides of the lungs. Pretty cool to be honest. I looked across at Anthony, and he was mimeing something at me.  

'Wait for me outside the class' Was what I got.  

Hailey writes something on a scrap piece of paper. 

"Do you know that guy, Anthony?" What should I say? Am I his sister? Or just some random girl. Luckily, the bell goes off for break. I get up and pack away. I waited for Anthony outside the science lab. 

"If anybody askes, you are my cousin okay? Not my sister!" He whispers and walks away. Cousin. I can live with that.  

I see Alishia sitting on a table by herself, so I go over and talk to her. 

"Hey Alishia!" I say. 

"Hey Lia. Have you seen a girl with blonde hair and glasses anywhere? She said to meet me here?"  

"No sorry."  

A girl with black hair walks up to us.  

"Hey Lisha, who's this?" She asks Alishia.  

"Stacey, this is Lia. Lia, Stacey." Alisha introduces. I wave and smile. She seemed nice.  

Suddenly, the whole cafeteria went quiet. A boy, about my age, walks in.  

"Who's he?" I whisper to Alishia and Stacey.  

"Isaac. He thinks he is God. Beware, seeing as your new, he'll probably try to flirt with you. He did with me." Stacey says under her breath. As she said that, I dropped my fork that I was eating my pasta with. Everyone looked at me. I bet I went really red. As I went to pick it up, I look up and saw Isaac, standing there.  

"Whats your name?" He demands.  

"J-Jessica. Jessica Johnson." I lie.  

"Well 'Jessica'. I assume you know who I am." I nod. "Meet me at the bike shed after school." He whispers in my ear. Afterwards, he left and everyone started talking. 

"Don't go. Please don't Lia." Alishia begs. 

"I'm not going to." I reassure her. 

"Good. I don't want you getting hurt. Especially as I have just met you!" She cries. 

After school, Anthony invites Ian round. Great!  

"Lia, did you meet anyone called Isaac today by any chance?" Anthony asks. 

"Yes, but I told him my name was Jessica." I reply. 

"What?! He will smash you when he finds out your real name!" Ian adds. 

"Well, I'm sorry okay!" I say bluntly. 

"He didn't ask you to meet him anywhere?" Anthony says, stopping.  

"Urm... Yeah.. But Alishia told me not to go, as other girls went and were hurt!" I cry. 

"Just... Just try and ignore him. Okay? If anything happens tell m-" 

"Punch him round the face like you did with Anthony!" Shouts Ian. I laugh. I probably will, to be honest. 

We arrive home, and I went upstairs to do my English essay. Ugh. I know nothing about William Shakespeare!  

I start to drawing little butterflies on the corner of my desk. I hear a knock on the door.  

"Come in!" I chirp.  

"Do you have any idea what your playing at?" Says Anthony.  

"What?" I reply, shocked. 

"Don't lie. Everyone saw you at lunchtime kissing Isaac." 

"What!! I was in the library researching William Shakespeare! Look! I have proof." I hold up 2 books and a load of paper.  

"Well, loads of girls told me they saw you."  

"He's a jerk! I wouldn't kiss some random guy!" I shouted.  

"Anthony! Peter said it was Lola! Not Lia!" Ian yells from downstairs.  

"Oh.. Uh.... Sorry Lia. Wrong person"

After Anthony had left, I went to get a glass of water. I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen. As I turned on the tap, the water came out all at once, leaving my arms and t-shirt soaked. I went to grab a towel, and saw none. Perfect! I walked out of the kitchen and tripped over my own feet, landing on top of someones feet.  

"Sorry!" I say and ran off.  

I changed into dry clothes and sat at my desk. I took a deep breath and faced the torture of my essay. 

"William. Shake-speare was a guy who wrote plays..." I mumble as I write.  

"Damn you Shakespeare, being alive so I have to write 2000 words about you!" I yell at the ceiling. I hate my life sometimes. I try to think of things by playing on the Sims that I 'borrowed' of Anthony. Well, found in his room. He won't miss it, much.  

Three Hours Later. 

I glace over at my clock. 7:46pm. I have a few minutes untill dinner. Yum! Then it hit me. I forgot about my English essay.  

"Anthony?" I shout.  

"What?" He shouts back. 

"Come here please!"  

"What?" He says, kind of grumpy. 

"Do you know anything about William Shakespeare?" I beg. He must know something. 

"Yes. Why?" 

"I've got an English essay due tomorrow about Shakespeare, and I know NOTHING about the dude. Could you help? Please! I'll do anything!" I say. Okay, I didn't mean the last part. 

"Fine... But it'll cost you." He says and kneels down beside me. I have a feeling that the thing I owe him won't be pretty.

-----------The NEXT dAy!!--------------

I roll out of bed. I seem to do that a lot. I grab the paper that I wrote on for my essay and go downstairs. I grab a handful of cereal and get changed. 

Then I look outside. Raining. Great! I grab a hoodie to keep me dry, for a bit. I walk downstairs and see that Anthony, who is usually sleeping on the couch, isn't there. Then I see a note on the front door. 

"Walk by yourself. Part 1 out of 5." That poo brain.  

I set off and sped walk to school.  

I go to my locker to find another note. If he thinks this is funny, he has a strange sense of humour. 

"Sorry, dropped your school books in a puddle. That was an accident. Also, look for your lunch. 2/5" I search through my bag and forgot to put my lunch in. Great! Sloppy cafeteria food. Boy, I will get revenge on him! Ideas... Ideas...

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